The Daily Telegraph

Woman, 74, fined after 30 years of erasing local neo-nazi slogans

- By Daniel Wighton in Berlin

A 74-YEAR-OLD activist known as the “Graffiti Grandma” has been fined €300 (£260) plus court costs for painting over neo-nazi graffiti in the central German town of Eisenach.

The verdict of property damage handed to Irmela Mensah-schramm has attracted fierce criticism, partly as it came on the day of the fatal synagogue attack in Halle.

Known in Germany as the “Sprayeroma” or Graffiti Grandma, Mensahschr­amm has spent more than three decades removing or painting over farright slogans, swastikas and stickers, often creatively changing the meaning to one of positivity and inclusiven­ess.

Mensah-schramm was charged after painting hearts over graffiti which read “Ns-zone”, which translates as “Nazi Zone”, four times in December 2018 in the town of Eisenach.

A local resident filmed her actions and reported her to the police. “I did not do anything wrong,” Mensah-schramm told MDR Thüringen, a local broadcaste­r.

While she has previously been charged with property damage and associated offences, it was the first time she had been punished by a court.

The pensioner indicated she would appeal the ruling, with supporters offering to cover her costs with crowdfundi­ng campaigns.

The court told Mensah-schramm that she could avoid the fine by paying €500 to local charity organisati­ons. However she refused, arguing that doing so would be an admission of guilt.

Eisenach is situated in the former East German state of Thuringia, which, like much of the region, has been struggling to contain rising anti-immigrant and racist sentiments. It is a 90-minute drive from Eisleben, the home town of the alleged Halle attacker.

Mensah-schramm, a former teacher born in Stuttgart at the end of the Second World War, keeps detailed files of every act of graffiti removal. She has received several awards for her work, including the Federal Order of Merit and the Göttingen Peace Prize.

During the refugee influx of 2015, she replaced the frequently-appearing slogan “Merkel muss weg” (Merkel must go) with “Merke! Hass weg” (Remember! Away with hate).

 ??  ?? Irmela Mensah-schramm was convicted in a German court of damaging property
Irmela Mensah-schramm was convicted in a German court of damaging property

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