The Daily Telegraph

Flooding project will help rivers to meander naturally

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A PROJECT to return rivers to a more natural state where they meander “like the branches of a tree” is being brought in to help wildlife and tackle flooding.

The National Trust said the project at Holnicote Estate in Somerset was the first of its kind for the UK and would let rivers flow through multiple channels, pools and shallow riffles, as they would have done before human interferen­ce.

It differs from more convention­al river restoratio­n projects which bring back the bends, or “meanders”, in a single straighten­ed stream, and aims to reconnect the water courses with their original flood plains.

It is hoped the scheme will reduce the frequency of flooding by slowing the flow of water. It could also help counter drought by holding more water in the landscape, the trust said, and could boost wildlife, such as water voles by improving riverside habitat.

Work has already begun to return a tributary of the River Aller, on the edge of Exmoor, to its original flow to allow natural river and wetland processes to develop across 10 acres of land. If successful, it will be developed across a 33acre site on the River Aller itself.

The approach, based on successful projects in the US, will use diggers to move earth and recreate channels that allow the water’s natural flow, mud and wildlife to rebuild a stream and wetland system.

It is being run in conjunctio­n with a European programme covering England, France, the Netherland­s and Belgium, and the Environmen­t Agency.

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