The Daily Telegraph

Sex scandals behind Vatican ‘financial crisis’, claims new book

- By Nick Squires in Rome

WORLDWIDE donations to the Catholic Church have plunged in the wake of sex abuse scandals that have eroded faith in the Vatican, a new book claims.

The Church’s finances are in such a dire state – a result of a toxic mix of incompeten­ce, internal wrangling and corruption – that the Vatican risks a default by 2023, according to the exposé.

The amount of money donated by ordinary Catholics to the Church, known as Peter’s Pence, has plummeted from €101 million in 2006 to €70million in 2016 and may now be less than €60million.

Only a fifth of the total goes to helping the poor and needy, with the rest held in bank accounts or used to plug gaps in the finances of the Curia, the Vatican’s governing body.

The revelation­s are based on scrutiny of 3,000 confidenti­al documents obtained by an Italian investigat­ive journalist, Gianluigi Nuzzi.

In his book, Universal Judgment, which was published yesterday, he portrays the Vatican as a viper’s nest of jealous cardinals, warring department­s and avaricious officials who are adept at parallel book-keeping.

“If the pontificat­e of Frances fails, it won’t be because of the attacks of conservati­ve Catholics or the crisis in vocations or because of the declining number of faithful,” Mr Nuzzi writes. “It will be because of the financial collapse that is coming ever closer.”

The Vatican deficit is “like a voracious and insatiable parasite, attacking wealth that was accumulate­d over the centuries from the pious offerings of the faithful”.

The precipitou­s decline in contributi­ons has coincided with a crisis of faith for millions of Catholics, who have been appalled at the multiple sex scandals involving priests and cardinals.

Pope Francis himself admitted that the Church’s “credibilit­y has been seriously undercut and diminished by these sins and crimes, but even more by the efforts made to deny or conceal them.”

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