The Daily Telegraph

Let’s give Britain a solution, urges No 10


new timetable for the legislatio­n to go through the Commons and Lords, with debates starting straight away. The Government confirmed the Budget, scheduled for Nov 6, was cancelled.

Mr Johnson, who lost two previous votes on an early election, healed divisions in his Cabinet over whether to hold an election or give MPS more time to agree his deal, by offering both, believing if he secures an election he will be in a win-win situation. If the Brexit deal passes, he will go into the election with a “Brexit bounce”. If it falls, he will go into the election on the basis that he is the only person who can “get Brexit done” – with Labour and the Lib Dems offering another year of uncertaint­y by insisting on a second referendum.

In a letter to Mr Corbyn, Mr Johnson said Tuesday’s vote, when MPS rejected the timetable for the Withdrawal Agreement, was the “last chance to get Brexit done before Oct 31” and said he was “extremely sceptical” that “this Parliament will do anything other than waste more time and then, in January, ask for yet another delay.

“It is our duty to end this nightmare and provide the country with a solution as soon as we reasonably can. We cannot risk wasting the next three months then this farce being replayed with yet another delay in January 2020 and still no way for the country to move on.”

No 10 said if MPS rejected an election it would spend “every day reminding voters that [Mr Corbyn] is holding the country hostage”. The SNP and Lib Dems have said they would not vote for a Dec 12 election. If Mr Johnson loses, it is understood he will consider allowing an opposition party to table a confidence motion, which would require a simple majority to topple him.

Last night Mr Johnson received a boost when the Commons approved the Queen’s Speech 310-294, his second victory of the week after MPS approved his Brexit deal in principle.

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