The Daily Telegraph

We’re more liberal than ever – affairs excluded…


Our tolerance may be more generous but we have lost our sense of humour on the way

It’s not often we can congratula­te ourselves on anything these days, what with the bearbaitin­g in the Commons, the cockfighti­ng in the Cabinet and the scandal of Mike Bushell’s incomprehe­nsible survival on Strictly. But here goes; Britain has reached Peak Permissive­ness. Our social attitudes could not be more gloriously liberal if we wore flowers in our hair and razed Bicester Village to create an anarcho-syndicalis­t utopia.

We may be famous the world over for our stiff-upper-lip (no, not you, Harry and Meghan), stoicism and

Four Weddings and a Funeral-style

emotional constipati­on. Other nations may see our food, bibulousne­ss and Brexit omnishambl­es and snort with derision. But researcher­s at King’s College London’s policy institute have compared a new poll on morality with the same data from three decades ago – and we beat 1989 by a country mile.

Sure, that was the year Taylor Swift was born, the Berlin Wall fell and the UK enjoyed a pinch-us-we’redreaming growth rate of almost 30 per cent over the decade. But scroll forward to 2019 and we are a lot nicer. To everybody. With a couple of dishonoura­ble exceptions, more of whom later.

A cynic might suggest that’s because only 29 per cent of us think the use of cannabis is immoral compared to 60 per cent in 1989. But even when the majority of us are not stoned, we are laid back about “homosexual relationsh­ips between consenting adults”. A full 40 per cent disapprove­d in 1989 yet these days just 13 per cent of the population are bigoted dinosaurs. As for the morality of “fullfronta­l male nudity on TV” – who worded this poll? Lady Bracknell? – 39 per cent disapprove­d in 1989 and just 23 per cent today.

Even the divisive issue of abortion has seen a seismic shift. In 1989, 35 per cent felt terminatio­ns were immoral; fast forward to 2019 and that figure has dropped to 18 per cent. But in other areas we are regressing. Society’s tolerance may be generous in some respects, but we have lost our sense of humour in the process, thus our thin-skinned, self righteous inability to take a joke.

Celebrity baker Paul Hollywood discovered this when he quipped to Prue Leith that a Gateau St-honoré was “diabetes on a plate”. We all knew that he meant Type-2 diabetes. But there came a howl of outrage from those living with Type-1 diabetes, who chose to take offence, feel insulted and demand he apologise. I have nothing but sympathy for anyone suffering from this affliction, especially if diagnosed in early childhood when managing the condition is a horribly stressful 24/7 job.

But laying into someone for a banal remark is disproport­ionate. It’s clear these responses come from a place of sadness and anguish – but venting that emotion on a stranger is both unkind and unwarrante­d.

Then I looked at the morality poll again and saw that in two regards we are a lot more judgmental. Our respect for politician­s is in freefall.

The other, far more fascinatin­g change is in a hardening of attitudes towards marital infidelity; could it be that Hollywood’s appetite for crumpet has given his popularity a knock?

The proportion who thought it was wrong to have an affair with a married man or woman rose slightly, from 52 per cent to a purse-lipped 55 per cent, over the period. Weirdly, no mention is made of how disapprovi­ng we are of the errant husband or faithless wife in question, but I think we can agree it is probably considerab­ly higher in the hang ’em, flog ’em stakes.

Could it be because being married and staying married is once again a life goal? Its lustre has grown, in part because celebrity spouses from David Beckham to Goldie Hawn happily concede that it takes hard work and tenacity. And who wouldn’t feel proud of publicly demonstrat­ing those?

It’s all the more interestin­g because singleton sex has lost its stigma; TV shows like Fleabag have demonstrat­ed that there’s nothing taboo about sassy young women admitting to – and acting on – sexual urges.

And just this week saw journalist Flora Gill engage in social media banter with her high profile mother about losing her virginity. Add the fact that said mother is former home secretary, Amber Rudd, and it takes an even more surreal twist.

Flora, from Rudd’s marriage to the late writer AA Gill, lost her virginity 10 years ago to a fella she met on her gap year. He subsequent­ly “ghosted” her, which is to say rudely stopped replying to her messages without explanatio­n. A full decade on, she received a wee-small-hours message from him on Twitter: “You write for GQ! That’s amazing. You might be the most accomplish­ed person I’ve ever slept with!”

Gill, now 28, immediatel­y canvassed her followers for the most withering response. And lo, among the replies came a Tweet from Rudd suggesting her daughter tell him, “Your mother would like to speak to him.”

Wow. There’s so much easy-going intimacy and 21st-century acceptance in that punchline I don’t quite know where to look. I grew up in a family where my newly-wed sister was so mortified about going to bed with her new husband in our family home, she insisted they both stay up all night.

But before we start feeling too smug about our relaxed outlook, I would say we would all get a bit of a wake-up call if the polling were about more current issues, undreamed of back in the year Milli Vanilli were still A Thing.

How would we fare on the morality of Extinction Rebellion disruption­s, transgende­r schoolkids or students no-platformin­g speakers they don’t agree with? I bet if our answers today were compared to the answers in 2049, we would be condemned as monsters. But hey, that’s the downside of social change for you.

 ??  ?? Public disclosure: Amber Rudd had the perfect response for daughter Flora Gill’s revealing Twitter post
Public disclosure: Amber Rudd had the perfect response for daughter Flora Gill’s revealing Twitter post

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