The Daily Telegraph

Election alliances


sir – What is the point of Nigel Farage meddling in the general election if he is not prepared to stand as a candidate himself (report, November 3)?

His interventi­on could divide the Tory vote and lose Boris Johnson a working majority or, worse, the election itself. Dominic Shelmerdin­e

London SW3

sir – I fail to understand why Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage do not make a mutually advantageo­us electoral pact.

Giving the Brexit Party free rein in seats that the Conservati­ves will never win, in exchange for no Brexit Party candidates in Tory-held and Tory marginals is a sure-fire recipe for success.

Standing against each other and splitting the pro-brexit vote is, frankly, insane. Christophe­r Gill

MP for Ludlow, 1987-2001 Aberdyfi, Gwynedd

sir – Nigel Farage has been a driving force getting Britain in to the position we have finally reached – on the verge of leaving the sclerotic EU and able to move on in the way we want to.

However, he misreads the desire of the electorate; yes, no deal is better than a bad deal, but a decent deal is better than no deal or no Brexit, and Mr Johnson’s deal is a decent one.

Mr Farage needs to be a statesman and see the big picture, not to make it look as though it is more about him and less about the ultimate prize. Steve Narancic

Wantage, Oxfordshir­e

sir – I realise that Nigel Farage has an ego you could hide St Paul’s behind, but does he really want to go down in history as the man who let Jeremy Corbyn into No 10 by the back door? Charles Penfold

Ulverston, Cumbria

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