The Daily Telegraph

There’s nothing conservati­ve about walking away

Tory Remainers fail to understand that Brexit ‘zealots’ are trying to undo the mess started in 1973

- tim stanley follow Tim Stanley on Twitter @Timothy_stanley; read more at

Hastings, East Sussex. It’s so cold on the seafront that even the palm trees look like they want to go home. I’m warming up with a soup served in a no-nonsense café for sensible people in a constituen­cy where 56 per cent voted Leave. Their MP, Amber Rudd, did not. Now she’s standing down and, just days away from yet another election, the Tories don’t have a candidate. The party has changed so much, so fast, that it’s struggling to catch up with itself.

You may recall that Ms Rudd resigned from the Cabinet in September because she said Boris Johnson wasn’t seriously preparing a withdrawal deal. Then he came back from Brussels with one. The silliness of her self-immolation tells you what a lot of the Remain Tory revolt is really about: they lost the referendum, they’re still not over it and you’ll never persuade them that Brexit is anything other than mob politics. Some MPS have defected or are running as independen­ts. Others are just getting out.

I’ll give credit to the columnist Matthew Parris, a former Tory MP, for openly articulati­ng what others won’t: that they are at war with their own voters. Mr Parris came to a town like this during the Clacton by-election of 2014 (a victory for Ukip) and wrote that when he saw this “friendly resort trying not to die, inhabited by friendly people trying not to die”, he saw the past and urged the Tories to let it go. That struck me as not only snobbish but unconserva­tive: what kind of Tory abandons somewhere, especially when that town has been so loyal to them?

Now Mr Parris has followed Brexitphob­ia to its logical conclusion and announced that he is leaving the Conservati­ves and will vote

Lib Dem on December 12. This is his protest against the “reckless cult” that has captured the Tories and, in his reading of history, drawn them away from their natural common sense. “As much as anything, it’s the scepticism I miss… the ‘steady on’… the dislike of zealotry.”

The strange thing about this narrative of “Brexit turned the Tories into zealots” is that most of the party’s Remainers tolerated or encouraged earlier periods of Tory exuberance. Mr Parris is a big fan of Margaret Thatcher: and wasn’t she a tad ardent from time to time? Where was the “steady on” when the Tories privatised the railways, closed down the pits and, most recently, reformed welfare in an often controvers­ial manner?

No, the only reason Tory Remainers have had an attack of “moderate martyr syndrome” in the last three years is because they happen to disagree with Brexit – but if they had won the referendum, I doubt they’d be calling for moderation in victory. Just before the vote, Mr Parris wrote that whatever the result, the Tory family must not bury its difference­s but make a choice. “It is the losers who must be buried.”

Yikes. Reading such Stalinist language, I wonder if we need to revisit the idea that it is the Leavers who are the enemies of conservati­sm? The argument goes that true Toryism is about preserving the best of the past and holding back revolution: Britain has been in Europe for nearly 50 years, so it would be an act of dangerous radicalism to leave.

But it is a very narrow idea of conservati­sm to suggest that it exists simply to defend the status quo. By that definition, conservati­ves ought to have defended the trade-union dinosaurs in the Seventies, or even the Soviet Union – after all, the USSR had been around for a jolly long time and ending it caused all manner of upset.

Throughout Brexit, I’ve heard many Tories invoke the 18th-century thinker Edmund Burke’s devastatin­g opposition to the French Revolution as an example of true conservati­sm and its resistance to unnecessar­y change, but the flaw in their argument is that Burke also sypathised with the American Revolution. Why? Because while the French wanted to create a whole new society from scratch, the American colonists wanted to restore ancient liberties recently taken away by the British. In other words, conservati­sm is not just conservati­ve. It is often restorativ­e as well.

Were Burke around today, he might conclude that Britain has indeed been through a revolution – but it isn’t Brexit, it was Britain joining Europe in 1973, when we surrendere­d the ancient powers of our Parliament. Brexit isn’t so much about doing something recklessly new as it is about cleaning up after a terrible mistake. Many venerable conservati­ves have reached a similar conclusion – Roger Scruton, Charles Moore, David Starkey – and we all know that if Mrs Thatcher were alive today, she would be right in among them, handbaggin­g Jean-claude into submission.

The truth is that there are many kinds of conservati­sm and they each have their downsides. Am I going to deny that Brexit has given voice not only to liberty but also to prejudice and extremism? No. But the resistance to Brexit has also proven that there is a so-called liberal Toryism that is elitist and possessive, that some of our leaders only love us so long as they feel they are in charge. When they lose control, they walk away. And what is conservati­ve about abandonmen­t?

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