The Daily Telegraph

Taliban fighters who held me hostage were ‘lovely people’, says lecturer

Australian academic freed in prisoner swap after three years says US forces made six rescue attempts

- Ben Farmer in Islamabad

AN AUSTRALIAN lecturer held hostage by the Taliban said some of his guards were “lovely people” as he disclosed that US special forces launched six unsuccessf­ul rescue bids.

Timothy Weeks spent more than three years locked up, often in the dark and undergroun­d, after he and Kevin King, a colleague, were seized in Kabul.

In his first public appearance since he was freed in a prisoner swap, the 50-year-old said he believed US Navy SEAL teams had launched repeated rescue missions, sometimes only missing their targets by hours.

In one incident, he was bundled into a tunnel beneath his prison as fighting erupted above. His captors told him they were under attack from Isil, but he said he now believed it was a US raid.

“I believe they were right outside our door,” he told a press conference.

“The moment that we got into the tunnels, we were one or two metres undergroun­d and there was a huge bang at the front door. And our guards went up and there was a lot of machinegun fire. They pushed me over the top into the tunnels and I fell backwards and rolled and knocked myself unconsciou­s.”

Mr Weeks and Mr King were freed in return for three senior Taliban commanders last month. While he thanked Donald Trump, the US president, and Scott Morrison, the Australian prime minister, for his release, he praised the compassion of some of his captors.

“I don’t hate them at all,” he said. “And some of them, I have great respect for, and great love for, almost. Some of them were so compassion­ate and such lovely, lovely people. And it really led me to think about ... how did they end up like this?

“I know a lot of people don’t admit this, but for me, they were soldiers. And soldiers obey the commands of their commanders. (They) don’t get a choice.”

Mr Weeks, from Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, had been working at the American University of Afghanista­n for only three weeks when he was taken in August 2016. Mr King remained in hospital, Mr Weeks said. The 63-year-old had appeared dangerousl­y frail in hostage videos.

The men were frequently moved and were held captive in both Afghanista­n and Pakistan, he said. He learnt pashto, the language of southern Afghanista­n, during his captivity so he could talk to his guards.

His ordeal had “a profound and unimaginab­le effect on me”, he told reporters. He always had hope that he would be freed, but at the same time, there were occasions when he felt his death was close, he said.

“At times I felt as if my death was imminent and that I would never return to see those that I love again but by the will of God I am here, I am alive and I am safe and I am free,” he continued.

The sight of two US Black Hawk helicopter­s at the hostage handover was an enormous relief.

“From the moment I sighted both Black Hawk helicopter­s and was placed in the hands of special forces, I knew my long and tortuous ordeal had come to an end,” he said.

The two captives were swapped for senior Taliban commanders held by the Afghan government in an exchange designed to build trust and revive talks to find a political settlement to the country’s conflict. Mr Trump last week visited Afghanista­n to spend Thanksgivi­ng with US troops and said the talks were back on.

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 ??  ?? Timothy Weeks, an Australian lecturer, above in a hostage video, and below with his sisters after his release by the Taliban
Timothy Weeks, an Australian lecturer, above in a hostage video, and below with his sisters after his release by the Taliban

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