The Daily Telegraph

This ‘Cinders’ is heavy on virtue-signalling, light on good old-fashioned fun

- By Claire Allfree

Cinderella Lyric Hammersmit­h, London W6 ★★★★★

You know you’re in 2019 when you’re watching a pantomime in which Cinderella (Timmika Ramsay) is a plus-size black woman with a talent for astrophysi­cs; her reluctant prince (Gabriel Fleary) is one of several characters who seem to be suffering from anxiety; and there’s a sweet little romantic sub-plot involving Jodie Jacobs’s hearty, pinny-sporting Buttons and Lauren Samuels’s nervily insecure stepsister, Popsy.

This is all well and good – and I enjoyed Ramsay’s genial, can-do Cinders, who invents weight-bearing drones in her bedroom while her stepsister­s are posing on Instagram, even if she seems weirdly unfussed to be spending her days sanding the verrucae of her leopard skin-clad stepmother in the latter’s Towie-esque suburban semi. The problem is that this Lyric Hammersmit­h production (the first under new artistic director Rachel O’riordan), directed by Tinuke Craig and written by Jude Christian, is so busy virtuesign­alling it forgets that panto also needs to be giddily funny and subversive.

Get the basics wrong, and it doesn’t matter how wellintent­ioned you are, your panto will collapse like a soufflé. So the staple slapstick scene – a marker of how seriously any pantomime takes the job of being silly – is here an insipid, inept little skit involving a few jugs of flying fruit juice. Mairi Barclay is a great sport as the narcissist­ic, yobbish Topsy, but Cinderella’s stepmother, Madame Meanie (Shobna Gulati), a C-list Wag-style horror, is meant to be the baddy and, although she stomps about with a pet alligator in tow, she isn’t really very bad at all, meaning there’s precious little properly at stake (even a panto – nay, particular­ly a panto – needs the fundamenta­ls of storytelli­ng firmly in place). Rhys Taylor’s dame, Fairy Fredbare, is fey, rather than camp, and lacking in serious oomph and charisma, not to mention a decent outsized wardrobe.

Perhaps fittingly for a show shaped by austerity politics and antimonarc­hical feeling (Cinderella and her prince willingly decide to redistribu­te their wealth), everything feels a bit, well, cheap. The sets are drab; the hip-hop dance routines – featuring an energetic community ensemble – unspectacu­lar. Christian’s script has plenty of zippy one-liners (including what will, no doubt, become this year’s obligatory panto reference to Pizza Express in Woking), but if it’s blissful entertainm­ent you seek, you’ve come to the wrong place.

 ?? Until Jan 5. Tickets: 020 8741 6850; ?? Nothing like a dame: Gabriel Fleary as Bob the Prince, and Rhys Taylor as Fairy Fredbare
Until Jan 5. Tickets: 020 8741 6850; Nothing like a dame: Gabriel Fleary as Bob the Prince, and Rhys Taylor as Fairy Fredbare

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