The Daily Telegraph

Brexit will give us the chance to thrive


Of all the slogans that sum up the past decade – Make America Great Again, For the Many Not the Few – one of the most satisfying is Despite Brexit. Despite Brexit, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), Britain’s economy has not only defied forecasts that it will be surpassed by France but is now expected to be a quarter larger than the French economy by 2034. Meanwhile, says the Resolution Foundation, 2019 saw record employment and the strongest nominal pay growth in over a decade. Public commitment to Brexit has remained high precisely because the so-called experts have been proven so wrong about it. If we had been able to leave the EU sooner, the situation might have looked even brighter.

Without that certainty, investment has been held back – and this has done some damage. The Resolution Foundation predicts improvemen­ts in pay packets next year, but also notes that growth has been weak and warns that employment might start to fall. Against this backdrop, both the policy-packed Queen’s Speech and the Prime Minister’s confidence are immensely welcome. There absolutely must be investment in infrastruc­ture, tax cuts for business, trade deals and a strategy for deregulati­on. The fact that Brexit is going to happen is a relief; the debate now shifts to the kind of relationsh­ip that is going to be built. Divergence from the EU will be very important in determinin­g the level of investment, risk and innovation in the British economy. Here is a chance to escape the European, protection­ist model and create new jobs by trading with the world.

The CEBR’S report was interestin­g in this regard because it noted the strength of the Anglospher­e economies. American decline is oversold: the predicted date that the Chinese economy will overtake America’s has been pushed back and the US now enjoys the largest share of the world’s economy since 2007. Canada and Australia are also doing well, thanks to their policy of having an open door to top talent – the sort of immigratio­n system that Boris Johnson has pledged to create in Britain. To borrow another slogan from the decade, Brexit is not “a leap in the dark” at all, but a rational step, following the direction of several successful economies. The Anglospher­e countries have managed to pursue growth without wedding themselves to an archaic political federation – and so can we.

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