The Daily Telegraph

Heat is now on big miners to invest in sustainabi­lity

- Jon yeomans

The apocalypti­c bushfires lapping at the edge of Sydney in recent weeks may seem a long way from home. But the political battle over the inferno strikes to the very heart of a key debate raging in boardrooms and investment fund hallways.

Scott Morrison, Australia’s prime minister, has been squeamish about suggesting there is any connection to climate change.

His government has attracted fierce criticism for failing to act on global warming, throwing fuel on the already heated climate debate down under.

The hand-wringing is profound in a country whose economic strength in recent decades has been underpinne­d by digging up iron ore, coal and other minerals and shipping them to Asia. The Australia Conservati­on Foundation estimated earlier this year the country could be responsibl­e for up to 17pc of global emissions by 2030.

BHP, the Anglo-australian miner, is sensitive to the problem. This year it joined oil major Shell in committing to tackle so-called “scope 3” emissions: that is, not just its own carbon footprint, but that of the products they sell on. Andrew Mackenzie, BHP’S chief executive, who formally stands down next week, gave a notable speech this year calling climate change “indisputab­le” and warning that “many species” may not survive.

This year may prove to be a tipping point: a year when big companies started to acknowledg­e the risk of global warming, as investors pressed home their concerns not just behind closed doors but through increasing­ly vocal interventi­ons at meetings.

Indeed, the green lobby is on the march. It is not just Extinction Rebellion warriors super-gluing themselves to bollards in the street. Fund managers are agitating over climate change. Specifical­ly: what are big companies doing to prepare for the threat and mitigate its impact?

More than one mining executive has remarked privately that they have seen a huge growth in shareholde­r questions about climate change over the last year. Fund managers in London are increasing­ly putting ESG (environmen­tal, social and governance) concerns top of their list when they quiz management teams.

Don’t assume this is simply a case of the City going all touchy-feely on green causes. Plenty of fund managers, I’m sure, accept that climate change is real and needs to be tackled (hounded either by their own conscience or, failing that, by their eco-minded kids). But there is also very much a hardnosed profit motive at play. There is a sound “business case” for being as green as possible, aside from it just being good for the planet: it is logical to want to protect the value locked in your investment­s.

When it comes to upbraiding mining companies and oil majors over their approach to global warming, investors have two obvious strategies: divestment – that is, selling out completely – or harrying firms into raising their game. The most highprofil­e example of the former was the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway’s government pension fund, opting to shed $13bn (£10bn) of assets in some coal and oil firms this year. But divestment means the loss of the healthy dividend payments. So many powerful investors have taken the other approach, preferring to stay invested in miners that are producing the minerals the world will need as it transition­s to a “low-carbon” economy. Glencore, which has long been bullish on future demand for coal in Asia, has been prodded into action. Earlier this year, it vowed to stick a cap on production of the black stuff. It ruled out further expansion of its coal business – much of it based in Australia – beyond current levels of production.

Rio Tinto, meanwhile, has gone much further and sold its coal mines off completely. It helps, of course, that more and more banks refuse to fund new coal projects.

Investor pressure is visible in many other areas, too. One focus of their energies has been to hound companies’ continued funding of trade groups that lobby for highly polluting coal. This autumn a motion calling for BHP to review its membership of groups that are not aligned with the 2015 Paris climate goals was backed by nearly 30pc of investors at its annual meeting in Sydney – a sizeable rebellion for an Australian AGM.

Shell and Glencore have also reviewed their membership of lobby groups and recent noises from Rio and Anglo American suggest that they too could walk away from trade bodies that are underminin­g efforts to tackle climate change.

These are welcome steps, and overdue; we can expect to see more of this in 2020. Adam Matthews, of the Church of England Pensions Board, who is leading a coalition of investors with trillions of dollars under management, says: “It is only going in one direction and the pace of change will only increase.”

There is plenty more work to do. Simply measuring emissions produced by large corporatio­ns is complex and can vary from company to company. While some companies are pouring money into renewable energy, plenty more is going into new fossil fuel developmen­t; BHP itself announced plans to expand in oil and gas just last month. More giant pension funds are likely to follow the path of Norway and rethink if their money is fully aligned with the Paris accord.

We’re likely to see a two-tier splinterin­g in the extractive sector, between companies willing to start putting their money where their mouths are on green issues, and those that will resist the tide. But the heat is not going away; that latter option is increasing­ly untenable, impractica­l and unwise.

 ??  ?? The bushfires that have blighted Australia are part of a wider business concern
The bushfires that have blighted Australia are part of a wider business concern
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