The Daily Telegraph



If you want to make any new behaviour stick in the long term, it’s really important to set up your environmen­t so that engaging in your chosen behaviour is as easy as possible. Here are some tips that you may find helpful

Set up a playlist on your phone with your favourite feel-good tunes, so you always have music ready to go to when it’s time to dance.

Make sure that your skipping rope is out somewhere visible. If you leave it in a cupboard, it is much less likely that you will pick it up.

Keep your balance board or yoga mat out in the living room, bedroom or kitchen, so you are constantly being reminded that it is there.

Keep the football in the middle of the garden so that you see it every time you look out.

Stick your health snack on to an existing part of your daily routine. Why not do your five minutes of dancing every single evening right before you eat dinner?

Or what about leaving your skipping rope by the front door so that every day, when you come in from work, it will remind you to do your five minutes of skipping as soon as you get in?

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