The Daily Telegraph

The Queen is to be applauded for her swift and sensible decision


sir – Although I am a republican, I admire the Queen. She was correct to give the Duke and Duchess of Sussex their marching orders (report, January 19).

I wish them well too, however.

Dominic Shelmerdin­e

London SW3

sir – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have well and truly been cast aside.

They have brought it on themselves. All credit to the Queen for taking such decisive action.

John Pettifer

Huntly, Aberdeensh­ire

sir – The Duke and Duchess have not been “cast out”. It is perfectly clear from their own statements, as well as those of the Queen, that this abrupt change of direction is entirely their own initiative, and one that is regretted by the whole Royal family.

It is to be hoped that the Sussexes will find the peace and fulfilment they seek, and that the Duke will not end up leading a deracinate­d and pointless existence like the Duke of Windsor before him.

Roger White

Sherborne, Dorset

sir – Why is there so much concern about how the Duke and Duchess will be funded? He has inherited millions from his mother and great grandmothe­r, while she is estimated to be a millionair­e in her own right thanks to her acting career.

There is surely no need for Prince Charles to subsidise their lifestyle.

Kate Graeme-cook

Brixham, Devon

sir – I hope the Duke realises that, through his actions, he has increased public interest in what he does next.

He will now have to face this additional media attention without the Royal family’s skilled press officers.

Jan Prebble

London SW1

sir – The Duke and Duchess are said to be pursuing a multimilli­on-pound future. Yet the ability of either to achieve this depends on their being at the heart of the family from which they wish to withdraw.

The Queen has always understood that the “mystique” of monarchy creates the strongest reason for people to be interested in her family. With the best will in the world, it is hard to believe that the public will really want to know what the Sussexes think when, at their own behest, they are no longer an active part of it. This really is a case of duty first, gain second.

Dr Philip March

Croydon, Surrey

sir – Camilla Tominey (Commentary, January 19) suggests that there have been “no winners” in the Sussex saga.

I think the Duke and Duchess have won the jackpot. As the British press slowly loses interest in them, they will probably live happy lives, free from incessant scrutiny and criticism, and be the envy of the other royals.

Jon Rollinson

Balsall Common, Warwickshi­re

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