The Daily Telegraph

The best exercise to boost mood

- Linda Blair

We all know exercise boosts mood and may even – as a study by Benson Hoffman at Duke University suggests – be as effective for treating depression as antidepres­sants. However, scientists are only just beginning to understand the precise relationsh­ip between exercise and mood.

What have we learnt so far and how can this help you exercise in ways most likely to boost your mood and increase your sense of well-being?

Aerobic or anaerobic?

In this regard you really do have a choice. Research has focused mainly on the psychologi­cal benefits of aerobic exercise, so it’s easy to think activities such as jogging, swimming or gentle cycling are best. However, a study carried out at Hakim Sabzevari University in Iran found all participan­ts, whether assigned to aerobic, anaerobic or resistance training, reported a significan­t increase in happiness.

Short or long sessions?

Sammi Chekroud at Oxford, together with colleagues across America, looked at the associatio­n between physical exercise and mental health in more than 1.2million adults. They asked for updates on the amount, type and duration of physical exercise, and for estimates of the number of days each month participan­ts suffered “poor mental health” (experienci­ng stress, depression or other emotional problems). Those who exercised for 30 to 60 minutes at a time and who did so for two to six hours per week recorded the fewest days of poor mental health.

On your own or with others?

Chekroud’s study found those who engaged in a team sport (and those who cycled) reported fewer days of poor mental health. However, it’s important to consider your personalit­y profile. Introverts may prefer to exercise alone, whereas extroverts will more often choose to participat­e in group sports.

Scheduled or spontaneou­s?

According to a study led by Markus Reichert at Heidelberg University, those who set aside time to work out feel happier and calmer than those who exercise incidental­ly – for example, climb stairs rather than take the lift. This may be because when you set aside time to work out, you’re prioritisi­ng yourself rather than simply completing tasks.

Set dates or flexible fixtures?

In a fascinatin­g study on habit formation, John Beshears at Harvard offered a small payment to a group of employees whenever they went to the gym. Half were only allowed to work out within a two-hour window, while the others could work out any time. After four weeks, the incentive was removed, but gym attendance continued to be monitored. Those in the flexible group continued to exercise more often than those in the fixed time group. Surprising­ly, they also found overly rigid routines can undermine habit formation. Flexibilit­y and choice maintain motivation.’

But whatever the scientists say, trust yourself. You’ll feel happiest and at your best if you do what you enjoy most at times that suit you.

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