The Daily Telegraph

End to early release of worst criminals


PLANS to end the early release of violent criminals and sex offenders will be in place by the start of April, the Government has pledged.

The proposed laws, which will scrap release halfway through a jail sentence for serious criminals, will be introduced into Parliament today and debated by the House of Lords today.

Offenders convicted of rape, manslaught­er and grievous bodily harm will have to serve at least two thirds of their prison sentences before being considered for release on licence.

The orders to be laid in Parliament will initially target any offender sentenced to seven or more years for violent and sexual offences which carry a maximum of life imprisonme­nt.

Last year around 1,450 adults were sentenced for such offences.

Ministers will consider extending it to those jailed for four or more years as part of a proposed sentencing Bill due later this year. This would add another 2,500 offenders to those affected.

It follows appeals by victims of crime for courts and judges to be more honest about the length of sentences that offenders will serve.

Last year rape victims waived their anonymity to tell The Daily Telegraph they wanted “12 years to be 12 years in prison.” Robert Buckland, the Justice Secretary, said: “Time and again victims tell me they feel let down by a system that can see violent and sexual offenders back on the streets after serving just half their sentence. So we will end the automatic halfway release for these offenders – ensuring punishment truly fits the crime and restore the public’s faith in the justice system.”

The majority of criminals serving what are known as “standard determinat­e sentences” have been eligible for release at the halfway point since 2005.

The change in 2005 marked a shift from previous regimes when offenders had to earn earlier release by demonstrat­ing they had rehabilita­ted and showed good behaviour in jail. Plans to re-introduce such a system were part of the Tories’ 2010 manifesto but were blocked by the Lib Dems in the ensuing coalition government.

Ministers said the changes were being introduced to ensure punishment­s reflected the severities of crimes and were part of an “extensive overhaul to the criminal justice system” that would allow for a “greater period of rehabilita­tion in prison” before release.

They are being introduced through the Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant Proportion of Sentence) Order 2019 and the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (Consequent­ial Amendment) Regulation­s Order 2019.

Yesterday it was announced that the most dangerous terrorists would be forced to serve their entire jail term with no prospect of early release. It means those convicted of preparing or committing a terrorist act will face a minimum of 14 years in jail, more than four times the present three years.

The rule allowing the release of the worst offenders two thirds of the way through a sentence will be abolished.

The introducti­on of such fixed-term sentences is likely to fuel demands to further restrict early release. Last year The Telegraph revealed that the majority of criminals jailed for between six months and four years were released less than halfway through the term.

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