The Daily Telegraph

The Davos crowd could learn a thing or two from Boris’s new conservati­sm

The PM is the first leader in Europe to forge a successful path between nationalis­m and globalism

- Follow Fraser Nelson on Twitter @Frasernels­on; read more at opinion Fraser Nelson

It’s strange to see so many of the world’s politician­s go to Davos in search of solutions when the place itself embodies the problem. Princes and presidents, chancellor­s and chief executives have been there all week, supposedly to discuss the greatest issues facing the world. One of the biggest issues, of course, is crony capitalism – a malaise embodied by the Davos summit. If they want to know how to find political stability in an era of populism, they’d be better off coming to London.

After years of bedlam, Britain is now emerging as the most stable country in Europe. Last month’s general election gave Boris Johnson one of the strongest mandates in the continent. Those he works with in No10 say he looks happy, even relaxed. His latest coup was winning The Spectator’s Parliament­arian of the Year award: he sent an acceptance video narrated by Dilyn, his dog. The audience loved it. The chaos of the Theresa May era has been replaced by a sense of political calm to be found almost nowhere else in Europe.

And from this, a new type of conservati­sm is emerging. Earlier this week, the Prime Minister told a conference of African leaders that the new post-brexit immigratio­n system will make it easier for their citizens to work in Britain. He’s reversing the crackdown on foreign students, giving them two years to find work. The current (outrageous) demand for non-eu migrants to earn at least £30,000 looks set to be abolished. The notorious Tory target to cut net migration to the “tens of thousands” was torn up on the PM’S first day.

All will be deeply confusing for those who thought that Brexit was all about making life harder for immigrants. You can trace this down to the standard Davos diagnosis: that the choice in politics is between globalism or ugly nationalis­m – and that those who dislike the EU probably dislike foreigners in general. A great many European politician­s had generally assumed that Johnson was in the latter category, a populist – albeit one who can recite The Iliad in ancient Greek.

His point – and one that will now become clearer – is that Britain was taking back control of migration policy to better manage globalisat­ion, rather than torpedo it. Take the immigratio­n overhaul, for example. A few years ago, an American flautist faced deportatio­n under Theresa May’s rules because she didn’t earn enough. It was an obvious example of a deranged system, and one that Brexit can remedy: in the EU the only way of controllin­g immigratio­n is to be absurdly tough on non-europeans.

Some had urged No10 to raise the salary threshold even higher after Brexit. Mr Johnson disagrees, and says that if a young computer programmer from Nairobi wants to help a British company grow, the post-brexit immigratio­n system should make it easier for him. But not for everyone. The new points-based system will probably make it harder to import builders or care home workers. But if so, then that’s likely to push up the salaries of both in Britain.

Constructi­on bosses have been moaning about Brexit making it harder to hire, but the salaries they’ve been paying on site have been rising at a healthy clip. Once, the Tories (and the Davos set) would have sympathise­d with the building industry. Now, not so much. If care homes complain about losing an endless supply of cheap workers from abroad, why should the Tories worry? The bigger problem, surely, is that far too many people looking after the elderly are being paid too little. It’s a skilled job and should be paid as such.

Left-wing parties once made this (fairly basic) argument. In Britain at least, the Right now has this area to itself. Is this globalist or nationalis­t? Left or Right? The Prime Minister is creating a new path across this terrain – using the very conservati­ve principle that you should do what works, and leave others to worry about the ideology. On climate change, too, he’s offering an alternativ­e to the Greta vs Trump pantomime shown at Davos. Britain has one of the most ambitious decarbonis­ation targets in the world but plans to hit it using technology rather than green taxes.

Perhaps Johnson’s greatest achievemen­t – and one which amazes other conservati­ves – is his demolition of Labour’s ‘red wall’ and his winning places that had voted Left for decades. Most Tories didn’t really think this was possible until a few weeks ago, and it was by no means all their doing. Labour has been steadily moving away from working-class communitie­s for years, pursuing well-heeled graduates more interested in culture wars than anything else. The Tories offered practical help to these voters – and promised to defend the nation state.

The European politician­s who spent so much of last year mocking the Boris story are now changing their tune. Victories like his are pretty rare nowadays, and no one else has worked out how to vanquish populism. Britain will leave the EU as the only member state with no populist parties in parliament – a feat that other European leaders can only dream of copying. It seems that conservati­sm – or the Boris version of it – is coming up with answers that have so far eluded most of the European Left.

Emmanuel Macron has stayed away from Davos this year and has been striking a more Gaullist tone in recent months. Germany’s CDU is moving in a more Boris-esque direction, but the old guard in the party’s leadership is hesitating because of the awkwardnes­s of winning the support from Bluelabour type of voters.

In France, the Republican Party are the flagbearer­s of the mainstream Right and have been looking to London for lessons but getting the wrong end of the stick. Bruno Retailleau, the Republican­s’ Senate Leader, was gushing about how Boris had successful­ly responded to “the fear of becoming a foreigner in your own home”. This is precisely wrong: the Tories won, in part, because they never used such language. The BNP once did, and it perished.

In the 1990s, Tony Blair spoke about creating a “third way” between Left and Right. He’d never use the phrase but Johnson is doing something similar, staking out a route between nationalis­m and globalism. It’s new territory and he’s still feeling his way – but so far he’s the first leader in Europe to make a success out of this new conservati­sm.

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