The Daily Telegraph

Uninvestig­ated crime


sir – On December 19 last year, my car was broken into and my work and personal ipads stolen. I reported the thefts online and included CCTV footage that clearly showed the two perpetrato­rs trying various cars.

This was the second such theft; the first time, despite being called while the break-in was in progress, the police hadn’t bothered to attend.

This time, a signal was generated by my company ipad, which showed its whereabout­s, so I called the police and gave them the address. I was told someone would get back to me. I asked if that meant no officer would go to the address and the operator said: “To be honest, it’s very unlikely.”

I went there myself. Some would say I was fortunate that the people in the flat wouldn’t open the door. The signal was live for 16 hours and the first call I received from the Met was two weeks later. The officer who rang blamed lack of resources. I replied that police choose to use resources for highprofil­e things, such as sending 8,000 officers to the Notting Hill carnival.

Police spend so much time building bridges with minority communitie­s in the hope of a positive press that they neglect the majority, who are being robbed blind in their absence. Gareth Jones

London SE9

sir – My locked bicycle was stolen from a stand at the local railway station, which has video surveillan­ce.

I reported this to the police. Because of the cameras, they knew the exact time and appearance of the culprit. When I asked to see this video evidence I was told that it was impossible, due to data security.

Is it surprising that we lose our respect for the police? Frank Littler

Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire

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