The Daily Telegraph

Gove warns of stricter measures to come

Public told to limit their exercise, as former police chief raises fears that some officers are going too far

- By Robert Mendick and Gordon Rayner

MICHAEL GOVE has warned the public to limit daily walks to a maximum of an hour ahead of a tightening up of rules on the national lockdown. Joggers, he said, should limit their runs to 30 minutes.

Mr Gove, a Cabinet minister and one of the Prime Minister’s most trusted aides, accepted the UK was facing a “significan­t period” in lockdown. He did not dispute the latest expert guidance suggesting the measures could remain in place until June.

The prospect of further draconian rules comes after concern was raised by a former police chief that officers in some parts of the UK are “way over the top” in enforcing the coronaviru­s lockdown. The former senior officer, who did not wish to be named, said it was “ludicrous” that a force had sent up a drone to spy on dog walkers in the Peak District and warned people not to drive in case they had a crash.

Police continued to make arrests and issue fines yesterday for breaches of coronaviru­s rules – including breaking up a karaoke party in Derby – while Britain’s National Parks issued a joint statement telling the public “to stay at home and help stop the spread of Covid-19”.

Mr Gove, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, said yesterday that although “it depends on each individual’s fitness … I would have thought that for most people a walk of up to an hour or a run of 30 minutes, or a cycle ride of between that is appropriat­e”.

Mr Gove acknowledg­ed in a television interview the scale of the “sacrifice” but said he could not make “an accurate prediction” on how long it must be endured. Boris Johnson is writing to every home in the country with a warning of stricter measures.

Mr Gove declined to say what the tougher rules could be – but people could find themselves confined to their homes except for brief exercise and essential food shopping. Mr Gove refused to be drawn on one key scientist’s estimate of June to relax the lockdown, adding: “I can’t make an accurate prediction, but everyone does have to prepare for a significan­t period when these measures are still in place.”

The prospect of a lengthy and more rigorous lockdown prompted one former senior officer to urge police to show “common sense”. The former chief said: “Some of the policing of coronaviru­s has been way over the top. People out walking in the countrysid­e in quiet areas is the best thing they can do. This is clearly serious but one or two senior officers are enjoying this a little too much.”

The National Police Chiefs Council said yesterday that no figures were yet available for the number of on-the-spot fines for breaches of the emergency coronaviru­s laws. Derbyshire Police said it had broken up a karaoke party in a city suburb. The force said on Twitter: “Officers have just attended an address in absolute shock to find 25 adults and children having a massive party with speakers and karaoke.”

In Leeds, a 13-year-old boy was arrested and taken into custody for breaking the coronaviru­s lockdown laws after he refused to give his name to police. He was detained under the Health Protection (Coronaviru­s, Restrictio­ns) Regulation­s 2020.

Cleveland Police said officers had issued eight fixed penalty notices to people not complying with government regulation­s over the past two days.

Cumbria Police investigat­ed four people for coronaviru­s breaches, including a 24-year-old man who could give police “no reason” for being in Whitehaven town centre over the weekend and three men in Carlisle hosting a house party.

 ??  ?? Michael Gove did not dispute guidance suggesting measures could last until June
Michael Gove did not dispute guidance suggesting measures could last until June

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