The Daily Telegraph

The public needs a goal to focus on


We are only just over a week into the tougher social distancing measures introduced to suppress the coronaviru­s epidemic with no prospect in sight of an early easing of the lockdown. In his letter to be delivered to every household, Boris Johnson wants the country to prepare for an even tougher response, though it is hard to see what that could be. Stopping people leaving their homes at all, even to exercise, would surely go too far. Robert Jenrick, the Communitie­s Secretary, said it was not the intention to do so but options were under review since the entire country was now on an emergency footing.

Moreover, most of those still going out to work every day are performing sterling and crucial jobs, from stacking shelves, manning checkouts and delivering letters or food, to collecting rubbish and repairing cable networks. These must continue if society is to function at all.

If, in saying things will get worse before they improve, the Prime Minister is seeking to alert the country to the fact that there will be a rapid rise in deaths over the next few weeks, he is likely to find an understand­ing audience. The numbers will come as a shock, as they have in Italy and Spain, but few can now expect the UK to escape something similar. But talk of an extended lockdown needs to be leavened with some sense of when and how we can come through this, otherwise in three or four weeks the apparent indomitabi­lity currently on show will start to crack. In addition, the damage inflicted on the economy needs to be kept to as short a period as possible.

Last week, Mr Johnson said the measures would be reviewed over Easter Monday; but it looks highly unlikely that there will be any let-up by then. Dr Jenny Harries, the deputy chief medical officer, said some social distancing measures may have to be in place for between three and six months.

Doubtless, the rising death toll and tragic losses for thousands of families will convince the country that more time is needed. But so, too, is hope in the shape of some indication from the Government as to how this might be wound down and in what circumstan­ces.

Perhaps, as testing gets underway, a particular age cohort of healthy people or those who have recovered can be allowed to return to work and then, after a while, an older group. We need to be told something more than things are going to get worse if we are to get through this.

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