The Daily Telegraph

How to reduce your ‘viral load’

The term is being increasing­ly being bandied around, but what does it actually mean? Sharon Walker asks the experts


Viral load. I first heard about it, as you may have done too, via social media. A letter, supposedly from an ICU (intensive care unit) doctor, popped up on Instagram last Tuesday morning, warning that this was one reason why, when it comes to the coronaviru­s, it is so important to avoid groups of people, even if you are young and healthy.

“Remember this: VIRAL LOAD. There will be a lot about this, why is it important?” the letter stated. “With this virus, the amount of virus in your blood at first infection directly relates to the severity of the illness you will suffer.”

It went on to explain how being in a group, “say in a pub or religious building or entertainm­ent venue with 200 people and a large number don’t have symptoms, but are shedding, you are breathing in lots of droplets per minute and absorbing a high dose of the virus”.

Young people who were flouting the social distancing warnings were, therefore, putting themselves at greater risk, the letter warned: “being under 60 and fit and well doesn’t seem to be as protective as we first thought. Why? Viral load.”

Many are also suggesting that viral load may be the reason why so many healthy doctors in China and now in Europe have died from the condition.

Last week saw the death of the first two British doctors from suspected coronaviru­s – an Essex GP and London surgeon – while 41 Italian medics have died since the outbreak began there. Chinese whistleblo­wer doctor, Li Wenliang, 34, died after contractin­g the virus while working

‘Viral load is simply a term for how much virus a person has got’

at Wuhan Central Hospital.

But what is the truth about viral load and what does this mean for families isolating at home? If one of you is sick and you’re sharing the same space, will that increase the viral load for the rest of you, making you more severely ill?

This morning both of my teenagers complained of feeling ill. One was coughing and the other felt “achey”. They were both sitting on the bed together looking at their phones, so I suggested that they move apart.

Prof Wendy Barclay, head of department of infectious disease at Imperial College London and Action Medical Research’s chair of virology, is an expert in the flu virus who is now researchin­g the coronaviru­s. She says that when it comes to the latter, viral load is indeed important in how the infection will play out.

“Viral load is simply a term for how much virus a person has got,” says Prof Barclay.

“In general with respirator­y viruses, whether you get severely ill or only get a mild cold can sometimes be determined by how much virus actually got into your body and started the infection off. Think about the analogy of two armies at battle. The outcome of the infection is your own immune system, whose army is of a fixed size and doesn’t change, versus the virus, whose army gets bigger and bigger as it replicates, but also starts off at different sizes.

“With flu, I quite often describe it like this: if you sit next to somebody and they cough right in your face, you’ll probably get a huge amount of virus, but if there is someone on the other side of the bus that breathes, by the time the virus is diluted in all the other air you don’t get very much. And the battle between the virus and your own immune system is weighted comparativ­ely, depending on the size of the army at the start.”

This is why doctors are very badly affected.

“The procedures doctors are doing mean they are up close to the face taking a swab, or doing an intubation (a procedure performed when you can’t breathe on your own), and despite the fact that we hope that they are wearing protective equipment, they may be exposed to more virus in the air than the average person would normally be.”

A study published in The Lancet on March 19 found the mean viral load of severe cases was around 60 times higher than that of mild cases.

So what should families do at home? The NHS recommends that if one of you develops a continuous new cough, or a fever, that you should self-isolate for seven days – but what if everyone develops symptoms at the same time? Will your children make each other “sicker” if they sit in the same room together coughing, as some are suggesting? “No, no, I don’t think there’s any basis in that at all,” says Prof Barclay. “Once they’ve got it, they’ve got it and their immune systems are going to fight it off as best they can.

“The point is, once you are infected, there isn’t much evidence of superinfec­tion – so if you believe all of you are infected, it’s probably not going to make much difference. What happens, once the virus is in you, is it starts replicatin­g in your own body and the virus accumulate­s, it’s making hundreds and thousands of copies of itself every few hours, so any further exposure at that point is probably irrelevant,” she explains.

Even so, we probably shouldn’t be sneezing in each other’s faces, says Willem van Schaik, professor in microbiolo­gy and infection at the University of Birmingham, who emphasises the importance of handwashin­g and sneezing into tissues. “If only because there might be other people entering your house – you never know – and it will protect them.”

Adults who fall ill could be welladvise­d to wear masks, says Prof van Schaik. “The guidance right now is to give the mask to the patient, as the patient will be coughing and sneezing and so that will minimise the amount of virus flying around.”

If one of you develops symptoms and the others at home aren’t infected – or at least aren’t showing symptoms – Prof Barclay recommends “keeping as much distance as possible and avoiding face-to-face contact as much as possible”. Which, of course, is easier said than done, especially when it comes to children and living together in a small home. She doesn’t, however, recommend that parents wear masks when a child falls sick, as the child will likely find it too scary.

It’s also sensible to use separate towels, cutlery and plates, though washing with detergent will inactivate the virus, says Prof Barclay. Separate your lives as much as possible and use separate bathrooms, if you have them.

If a number of people in the household are infected but one person is not, in this case they should keep their distance. “If one of you is not yet

‘Standing further away when someone coughs, means fewer particles reach you’

infected, then that’s quite bad news for that person because they are getting coughed at by five people instead of one,” explains Prof Barclay. “This goes back to the concept of chickenpox parties. Years ago, people said, ‘If your child hasn’t had chickenpox, take them to a party and get them infected,’ but that’s a really bad idea because you are putting them in the way of a lot of virus, whereas with natural infections in the community, there will be much less virus.”

If you want to reduce your chance of not only catching the virus but also reducing the severity of the infection you should observe the two-metre rule.

“The point of social distancing,” says Prof Barclay, “is that by standing further away from someone when they breathe or cough out the virus, it likely means fewer virus particles reach you and then you get infected with a lower dose and get less ill. Your own viral load, which starts off the battle, is going to be lower and you’ve got more chance of winning it.”

And should we be trying to do this at home, especially given that one of the problems with the virus is that so many of us are asymptomat­ic and that it can take five days, or potentiall­y more, after the initial infection before symptoms show?

“It is possible that keeping a distance within the home is a sensible idea but practicall­y speaking, particular­ly if children are involved, that isn’t completely possible,” she says. “[It’s about] not being as close to people as you generally are – that means fewer hugs and kisses, I’m afraid.”

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