The Daily Telegraph

The Government must show courage and rescue us from lockdown stupor

The Government should ease lockdown rules more quickly and extensivel­y, as Europe is already doing

- Liam Halligan

Away from the tawdry political dogfight over Dominic Cummings’s future, the nation faces a question of monumental importance. That is, as the corona death rate falls, how quickly should the UK come out of lockdown? In my view, the Government should now be easing more quickly and widely restrictio­ns on how we socialise and travel – and on broader commercial activity.

We must act in a way that protects lives, of course, but also minimise economic damage. Yet we are probably already way past the point where our response to the disease we are fighting is doing more damage than the ghastly virus itself. While isolation measures have saved lives, keeping our economy in deep-freeze also incurs very serious health risks. The “lives versus livelihood­s” dilemma has never been the explicit trade-off presented by finger-jabbing political pundits – the reality is much more nuanced.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies has published a report highlighti­ng that “in the medium and longer term, the economic downturn itself will have persistent negative health effects”. Citing evidence that the recession after the 2008 financial crisis “could have resulted in an additional 900,000 people of working age suffering from chronic health conditions, including mental health”, this IFS study reminds us that while coronaviru­s kills people, economic collapse also kills people.

Back in March, Chancellor Rishi Sunak projected GDP growth this year would be a respectabl­e 1.1 per cent. Instead, we’re enduring the steepest economic decline in 300 years. The Office for Budget Responsibi­lity now forecasts a jaw-dropping 35 per cent year-on-year fall in UK national income during the current quarter, with the economy shrinking 13 per cent over 2020 as a whole. That’s more than three times the 4.2 per cent post-crisis drop we saw in 2009.

Yes, it’s a “deliberate downturn”, with the Government closing down swathes of economic activity for health reasons. But the human fallout is real. Viable businesses are being destroyed and commerce permanentl­y shattered, with unemployme­nt soaring by almost a million last month, rising to over two million in total for the first time since the mid-1990s. And with eight million workers furloughed, almost a third of the workforce, once that scheme ends, we could see UK unemployme­nt topping 20 per cent – twice what it was in the dark days of the early 1980s.

While easing the lockdown too early would have been reckless, easing it too late will also cost lives – economical­ly driven “deaths of despair”. Bank of England prediction­s of a “V-shaped” recovery are almost certainly too optimistic – and become even less likely each week that this lockdown drags on.

Despite efforts to “hibernate” the economy, shelling out Government cash to keep workers on company payrolls and extend business loans, this prolonged torpor is causing economic “scarring” – making a quick recovery wishful thinking. The psychologi­cal impact of what we’re going through will be huge. After the initial joy of lockdown easing, many firms and households will emerge financiall­y exhausted, far more indebted than they were, reluctant to spend. And the longer we stay locked down, the worse such effects will be.

While politician­s want to “follow the science”, the science itself is unclear. There comes a time when political judgment is needed – and with the UK daily death rate averaging around 125 this week, a tenth of the mid-april peak, the time for such judgment is now.

Across Europe, lockdowns are being lifted, businesses are reopening and children are back at school. In Germany, shops of all sizes are reopening, with extra hygiene and social-distancing measures – but an “emergency brake” will be applied in regions seeing any surge in new infections. In Italy, bars and restaurant­s reopened in mid-may, apart from in the very worst-hit regions. And in France, school pupils of all ages are back, as are high street retailers – again, with a few regional exceptions.

Here in the UK, most shops won’t reopen until mid-june and our schools programme is piecemeal – with just a few year-groups supposedly returning next week. Meanwhile, we’re introducin­g a two-week quarantine period for internatio­nal arrivals from June 8, just as such measures are being lifted across Europe and elsewhere.

The Government needs to show some courage, rescuing Britain more rapidly from its lockdown stupor. Let’s immediatel­y ease restrictio­ns on 20- to 30-year olds not living with their parents, the least vulnerable group, so they can return to work. Why not cut social distancing to one metre, not two – as in many other countries, in line with World Health Organisati­on guidance – giving pubs, restaurant­s and other venues a chance?

What’s also sorely lacking is the economic “vision thing”. We’ll come out of this episode with a budget deficit officially estimated at 15 per cent of national income – the biggest annual fiscal shortfall in peacetime history – and our national debt way over 100 per cent of GDP. Such liabilitie­s can only be tackled, reduced as a share of our economy, by fast growth, high inflation or crippling taxation – and the Tories need to make it clear that rapid economic expansion is their preferred route to debt management.

That means channellin­g money into growth-boosting infrastruc­ture projects – not already-obsolete trophy assets like HS2, but the national rollout of full-fibre broadband. It means using our post-brexit freedoms to establish “opportunit­y zones” across low-growth areas, with time-limited corporatio­n tax relief for new firms, sparking growth beyond the South East. It means reforming land tax laws to help expand suburbs and new towns, driving growth by addressing our chronic housing shortage.

It means tax breaks that boost productivi­ty, while “crowding-in” private sector investment, too.

As it happens, while I understand much of the anger directed at Cummings, I think he should stay put – unless the police find he broke the law. Then, and only then, he should go. Until that point, we should focus on what really matters – how the lives and livelihood­s of our people can be protected and enhanced. And I say the route to both is easing the lockdown sooner.

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