The Daily Telegraph

Regions break with Merkel to go own way on lifting restrictio­ns

- By in Berlin

Justin Huggler

ANGELA MERKEL has been largely sidelined from discussion­s on ending the lockdown after regional government­s vowed to go their own way.

Since the beginning of the crisis, the German chancellor has worked to build a national consensus on tackling the virus. But under Germany’s federal constituti­on, it is the 16 regional state government­s that have the final say on lockdown measures, and this week they moved to assert their control, effectivel­y tearing up a plan put forward by Mrs Merkel for gradual further loosening in June.

“The responsibi­lity now lies with the regional prime ministers and district councils,” Winfried Kretschman­n, the regional leader of Baden-württember­g, said. “No further discussion­s are planned with the chancellor.”

There is still no sign of a second wave more than six weeks after Germany began loosening its lockdown, and many regional leaders have grown impatient with Mrs Merkel’s cautious approach. Authoritie­s in the eastern state of Thuringia have gone so far as to suggest they could end lockdown completely when the current rules expire next week – though the regional government has since backtracke­d.

Mrs Merkel opened the way for this week’s move when she chose not to hold her regular video conference with regional leaders. She has used previous talks to persuade the state government­s into signing up to a national lockdown regime, but the discussion­s have been fraught and Mrs Merkel appears to have tired of the bickering, reportedly telling aides she “didn’t want to put herself through that again”.

Instead she ordered her chief of staff, Helge Braun, to hammer out a new set of measures with the regional government­s. After days of talks, they rejected most of his proposals and announced they intended to make their own rules.

Germany has already lifted most of its lockdown restrictio­ns, allowing schools, shops, restaurant­s and hotels to reopen. But it now faces a patchwork of different regional regulation­s, and there are already signs of discord between the state government­s.

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