The Daily Telegraph

Ministers face revolt over quarantine plans

- By Charles Hymas Home Affairs editor

THE Government’s quarantine plans face a Tory revolt when they reach the Commons this week, as a senior MP warned it was the “wrong policy” that will damage the economy.

Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, will tomorrow lay the regulation­s in Parliament enacting the quarantine under which all internatio­nal arrivals, including returning Britons, will be required to self-isolate for 14 days.

However, more than 20 Tory MPS including at least seven former ministers are demanding a rethink of the plans that are scheduled to come into force on June 8, and the introducti­on of “air bridges” with low-risk countries.

Huw Merriman, Conservati­ve chairman of the transport select committee, said: “Personally, I think it’s the wrong policy at this time and disproport­ionately impacts the economy.

“We should ditch blanket quarantine and self-distancing on planes and have different measures such as air bridges, compulsory PPE and temperatur­e testing at airports.”

Henry Smith, the Conservati­ve MP who has formed a cross-party aviation group to campaign on the issue, said: “I would respectful­ly ask the Government

to think again and listen to the growing groundswel­l of opinion against quarantine measures.”

About 50 MPS now back the group including Chris Grayling, the former transport secretary, Paul Maynard, the former aviation minister, Caroline Nokes, the ex-immigratio­n minister, Stephen Hammond, the former transport and health minister, and Theresa Villiers, the ex-environmen­t secretary.

Steve Baker, the former Brexit minister, ex-tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, Nus Ghani, the former transport minister, Philip Dunne, the ex-health minister, and Andrew Griffiths – Boris

Johnson’s chief business adviser until December – are also understood to be opposed.

The quarantine plan will be laid before Parliament as a statutory instrument which does not automatica­lly go to a vote. Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the Commons Speaker, will have to decide whether the scale of opposition merits a debate although MPS fear it could be caught in the row over electronic voting.

It comes as 217 tourism and travel businesses, including leading hotels, restaurate­urs and travel firms have also now endorsed a letter to Ms Patel saying the quarantine plans are unworkable and economical­ly damaging. According to the campaigner­s, they account for more than £5billion in sales.

The Home Office, however, has defended the plans and warned that “air bridges” could themselves be unworkable.

“There’s no point having an air bridge to the south of France if someone could then cross to the north of Italy and be in a virus hotspot,” said one source. “It gets very, very complicate­d very quickly. Down the line, when it is reviewed three weeks on, any changes can be considered but it’s got to be led by the science. Everyone wants to come out of this as soon as possible but we can only do it when it is safe.

“The last thing we want is a second wave [of the disease]. It would be horrendous for the economy to go back into lockdown now.”

Britain’s higher infection rate could also threaten the air bridge plan. Yesterday Spain joined Greece in excluding British tourists from a list of countries allowed to fly in when they start to lift travel restrictio­ns this month because of the UK’S high infection rate.

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