The Daily Telegraph

Gavin Williamson:

- By Gavin Williamson Gavin Williamson is the Secretary of State for Education

Over the next few weeks, we are going to see the gradual return to school for many children. While I fully understand the nervousnes­s that some will feel, I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to start providing more children with the opportunit­y to be in the classroom once more. While everyone has worked so hard to support learning at home, this can never be a substitute to being in nursery or school – with all the inspiratio­n and motivation they provide. As we all know, there simply is no substitute for a teacher sharing their passion for learning with our children.

I understand that some don’t want to see schools return yet. But we need to take a step forward and we also need to make sure our children don’t fall back. So we should look at what children are missing out on when they are away from school. This isn’t just what they learn in the classroom; they also benefit from being with their friends and gain the social developmen­t and the mental and physical well-being that school brings.

There are also some uncomforta­ble truths. It is those children from the most disadvanta­ged background­s, who will fall furthest behind and will suffer the greatest as a result of being away from school. It is the outcomes for these children that are repeatedly raised with me by teachers, because these teachers know the vital role that school plays for them in their lives.

We know that schools returning will have an immediate benefit for children, but we can’t underestim­ate the importance it will have on their lives in the long term. So while these are the first cautious, phased steps of bringing children back, they are vital.

Over the past three weeks, staff have been preparing for more children to return by putting in place strict new protective measures. Children will be kept in small groups of no more than 15. Hygiene will be rigorous and all children, whatever their age, as well as all school staff, will have access to testing if they need it. All these protective measures are designed to reduce the risk of transmissi­on.

These decisions have been guided by the best scientific and medical advice available. Advice from Sage shows there is a lower overall risk from opening schools and nurseries to younger children, and that they are far less likely to become unwell compared with adults.

We could well be dealing with this virus for a long time, and based on the evidence we need to move forward with our plan so that children don’t keep missing out. The one thing we must never do is allow the hopes, dreams and opportunit­ies of our children to be what suffer the most as a result of coronaviru­s.

‘There simply is no substitute for a teacher sharing their passion for learning with our children’

‘We can’t underestim­ate the importance it will have on their lives in the long term’

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