The Daily Telegraph

There is more to life than simply preserving it


SIR – The most lamentable thing about the current Covid-19 epidemic is the world’s surrender to the idea that the only meaning of human life lies in preserving it.

In the name of “keeping people safe”, the moribund die alone, the dead are buried without proper ceremony, mothers give birth without partners, children – particular­ly the poorest – cannot learn, the aims of the young are suspended, the achievemen­ts of generation­s are smashed, the talented go undiscover­ed, the brilliant cannot perform, new friendship­s are thwarted, potential lovers are denied and the rituals of religious faith and national remembranc­e are set aside. Yet we are all apparently happy to accede to the state-sponsored notion that we are profoundly heroic simply taking measures to keep ourselves alive.

Jolyon Fenwick

Chipping Norton, Oxfordshir­e

SIR – There are two different approaches to ensuring safety: the rules-based and the risk-based. However, in a fast-moving Covid-19 situation, rules are obsolete almost before they can be enacted. It is therefore better to take the risk-based approach, assess the situation and decide a reasonable, low-risk course of action.

For instance, although Dominic Cummings was criticised for not using a taxi or ambulance to get his family from hospital as the rules “required”, the risk-based approach says it is infinitely safer to break the rules and use your own car to avoid spreading your virus into a public vehicle.

We now exist in a confusing mix of the two approaches and the police have trouble knowing how to act.

Edward Chase

Retired risk-management engineer Winchester, Hampshire

 ??  ?? Fear of plague: detail from a 14th-century window in Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral
Fear of plague: detail from a 14th-century window in Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral

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