The Daily Telegraph

Negotiatin­g difference­s of opinion

- Linda Blair

Although the easing of restrictio­ns is welcome, it’s given rise to a new challenge for those living with others. How do you handle conflict when you and your partner or flatmates differ on how to interpret the new rules?

John Gottman, professor emeritus at the University of Washington and co-founder of the Gottman Institute, has studied relationsh­ips for over 40 years. One approach he uses is to ask couples to engage in a 15-minute conversati­on to resolve a conflict presented by one of them. Interviews were videotaped, and exchanges later coded for negative emotions, for example anger, contempt and fear/tension, and positive expression­s such as affection, joy and humour.

What can we learn from these and related studies to help those living together when facing this new and unpreceden­ted challenge?

1. Talk regularly, but not face-to-face or amid distractio­ns: Set aside time once – or better, twice – a week to talk about exactly what “easing” means to each household member. Twenty to 30 minutes is ideal. If you have children, wait until they’re in bed. Turn off phones and screens, but if possible, discuss while doing something that avoids face-to-face interactio­n, for example taking a walk or washing up. Looking at one another directly is more likely to trigger aggression and defensiven­ess; moving about diffuses anxiety.

2. Listen fully and pick up signs of distress: Simply showing you’ve noticed emotional discomfort avoids escalation, and means the other person feels reassured you care how they’re feeling.

3. Frame comments, suggestion­s – even complaints if possible – in positive terms: Gottman and Robert Levenson looked at difference­s in emotional tone between heterosexu­al and same-sex couples. Same-sex couples, who generally resolved conflict more amicably, tended both to present difference­s and respond to them in more positive terms, and to show more positive emotions. 4. Strive for equality: Gottman and Levenson also found same-sex couples maintained equal respect for one another’s views more often. They suggest this may be because there are fewer implicit biases about who’s “in charge” in same-sex relationsh­ips. Try not to assume you know “better”.

5. Avoid negativity: Gottman has found the most toxic responses are those that show criticism, defensiven­ess, stonewalli­ng, and most of all, contempt. Avoid them.

6. Expect to compromise: If each of you feels confident their suggestion­s will be considered thoughtful­ly, you’ll be more likely to find one solution (among many) that suits everyone well enough.

7. Compliment more than criticise: Gottman suggests offering five positive suggestion­s and/ or compliment­s for every negative comment.

8. Be quick to repair: If you sense negativity escalating, say or do something to defuse the situation. Gottman refers to this as “repairing”.

9. Keep talking: Everything is changing, so talk regularly, prioritisi­ng honesty and kindness.

Linda Blair is a clinical psychologi­st and author of Siblings: How to Handle Rivalry and Create Lifelong Loving Bonds. To order for £10.99, visit

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