The Daily Telegraph

Illegal Channel traffickin­g set to hit 7,500, say campaigner­s

- By Charles Hymas Home Affairs editor

THE number of illegal migrants crossing the Channel is set to hit 7,500 by Christmas, four times last year’s figure, campaigner­s have warned, as pressure grows on Priti Patel over her refusal to set a timescale for ending traffickin­g.

Migration Watch said “tough words” but ineffectua­l action by the Government­s of the UK and France meant that 2,400 illegal migrants had reached the UK already this year, with numbers increasing dramatical­ly since April.

It said that on current trends, there would be another 5,000 by Christmas, taking the total to 7,500, compared with 1,892 for the whole of last year.

The Home Secretary has refused to set a new target for reducing crossings after pledging “urgent action” last year to make it an “infrequent phenomenon”. Since January when it was 94, the number crossing has increased almost month by month to 228 in March, 523 in April, 684 in May and 680 in June.

Alp Mehmet, the Migration Watch chairman, said: “The Home Secretary said she wanted illegal Channel crossings to become an ‘infrequent phenomenon’. The opposite has happened, with their frequency picking up pace.

“This cannot continue. It undermines confidence in the whole system and emboldens the trafficker­s. Urgent and effective action is essential if the public’s faith in our ability to control our border is not to be lost for good.”

The group called for a new agreement with France for the immediate return of those detected attempting to cross the Channel illegally – a move that Ms Patel is also seeking to negotiate with the French government.

It also demanded a major funding boost for immigratio­n enforcemen­t and an increase in the number of removals of those with no right to be here, including failed asylum seekers.

Ms Patel wants a legal framework with France and the EU that would allow Britain to return illegal migrants. She said new laws would enable the UK “to do much more to enforce this principle that if you come from a safe country, you will be going back to that safe country. You will not be able to claim asylum in this country.”

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