The Daily Telegraph

Trump and the smarter sister who holds the family secrets

There is no love lost between the president and Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired top judge, according to claims by their niece, writes Harry Mount

- Harry Mount is the editor of ‘The Oldie’

‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!” cried King Lear. But what about a thankless niece?

That’s what President Trump must be asking himself as Mary Trump makes some explosive allegation­s about

Uncle Donald in her new memoir, Too

Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.

With a title like that, no wonder the president’s family tried to stop it from being published. But they have failed, so far – and now it is due to come out next week, subject to further legal attempts to gag it.

In the book, 55-year-old Mary alleges that her uncle suffered “child abuse” at the hands of his father, Fred Trump; saying that “love meant nothing” to the man who built up the huge family fortune and bailed out his son when he almost went bankrupt. Mary is the daughter of Fred Trump Jr, the president’s older brother, who should have been the heir to the Trump empire, but died in 1981, aged 42, from the effects of alcoholism.

Mary, who until now has avoided the public eye and has not spoken publicly about her family in decades, alleges that, when Donald Trump’s mother fell ill when he was only two, he was left with “total dependence on a caregiver [Fred Sr], who also caused him terror”.

For the notoriousl­y thin-skinned president, these allegation­s will give him major palpitatio­ns. The father he revered is now – according to allegation­s made by his niece, who was not born at the time in question – responsibl­e for turning Trump into a narcissist with “anti-social personalit­y disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy”.

In the allegation that will annoy Trump the most, his niece also claims he paid a friend to take his exams to get into the respected Wharton School of Business in the mid-sixties, an achievemen­t which Trump is keen on boasting about. Sarah Matthews, the White House deputy press secretary, has since called the suggestion

“absurd” and “completely false”.

Mary also claims that, when she was aged 29, her uncle creepily cried: “Holy s---, Mary, you’re stacked!” when he saw her wearing a swimsuit at Mar-alago, his Florida outpost.

If the book is to be believed, there’s no love lost, either, between Donald and his oldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, 83, a retired federal judge. She is said to have mocked his presidenti­al run, dubbing him “a clown”.

When Mary asked her aunt whether anyone could believe Trump was a self-made man, Maryanne allegedly said: “Well, he has had five bankruptci­es…”

Maryanne, a Catholic convert, was, it is claimed, particular­ly angered by Donald Trump being endorsed by leading Christians. “What the f--- is wrong with them?” she allegedly said. “The only time Donald went to church is when the cameras were there. It’s mind-boggling. He has no principles. None!”

She was also said to be incensed by Donald using the death of his brother, Fred, to talk with assumed authority about America’s opioid crisis. Maryanne allegedly said: “He’s using your father’s memory for political purposes, and that’s a sin, especially since Freddy should’ve been the star of the family.”

Whatever the truth of Mary Trump’s allegation­s, there’s no denying that Maryanne Trump Barry is an extremely sharp cookie. Born in 1937, she is nine years older than the president and is the oldest of the five children of Fred Trump Sr and Mary Anne Trump – the Hebrides-born matriarch after whom she is named.

Mary Anne clearly doted on little Donald. In the Netflix documentar­y series, Trump: An American Dream, she gleefully recounts the story of him gluing together his brother’s building bricks when they were children. In her new book, Mary Trump alleges that, when Donald was a boy, he also hid his baby brother, Robert’s adored Tonka trucks and pretended he didn’t know where they were. When Robert had a tantrum over this, Donald threatened to tear them apart. Rather than admonishin­g little Donald, his mother hid the Tonka trucks in the attic. Robert was punished for his brother’s naughtines­s. And so, it is claimed,

Donald learnt how to get away with outrageous behaviour.

If Maryanne had been born a boy, she would have been groomed by her autocratic father to take over the Trump constructi­on empire. Denied that opportunit­y, despite having the biggest brain of the siblings, she turned to the law, rising to become a circuit judge of the court of appeals for the third circuit, appointed by Bill Clinton, then president.

Like Donald Trump, she went to Kew-forest School near the Trump family home in Queens, New York. But Maryanne then blazed an intellectu­al trail through top universiti­es: a BA cum laude from Mount Holyoke College, followed by an MA in law from the prestigiou­s Columbia University and a doctor of jurisprude­nce degree from Hofstra University School of Law.

While Donald Trump gradually took over the reins at his father’s business, Maryanne rose steadily through the legal ranks.

If you’re a judge in New Jersey, you come up against scary characters who wouldn’t be out of place on The

Sopranos. She presided over the conviction of Louis Manna, a member of the Genovese mob family, and remained at the top of the legal tree until February 2017, when almost 80.

Throughout the Seventies, she was the most successful of the Trumps. Fred Jr was failing to battle alcoholism. Donald’s other older sister, Elizabeth Trump Grau, born in 1942, worked for Chase Manhattan Bank. His youngest sibling, Robert (the one with the missing Tonka trucks), born in 1948, has had a quiet life working in property.

And, while Maryanne was making a name for herself in the Eighties, Donald was faltering. Following the death of Fred Jr, he may have been Number One Son, but he was also in deep trouble. While Fred Sr amassed a massive family fortune by building thousands of houses and apartments, Donald was determined, against his father’s instincts, to go into the sexier business of casinos. In 1987, he broke ground on the enormous Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. But he put way too much money into the project for it to be recouped. Only a year after it opened, in 1990, the Taj Mahal was bankrupt. According to Trump: An American

Dream, Fred Trump Sr had to step in to subsidise his son’s failed venture to prevent its full implosion. Trump then bought back the Taj Mahal in 1996.

Maryanne has had a few blips in her life. In 1980, she divorced her first husband, David Desmond, by whom she had a son, also David, who is a psychologi­st. Her second husband, John Barry, a lawyer, died in 2000. She got her own chunky inheritanc­e from her father – enough to give $4million to Fairfield University, a Catholic institutio­n, in 2016.

We’re shaped by our parents, but we’re also shaped by our siblings. You can see how Maryanne Trump Barry, the straight-a student and top lawyer, might have looked down on her bragging, less academic brother. That view would only have intensifie­d when Donald began to take over the family business, after the tragedy of Fred Jr, and sailed close to the wind in Atlantic City, only to be bailed out by Daddy.

Relations appear to have only got worse with the death of Fred Trump Sr in 1999, aged 93. Rows over his vast will raged for years. The new book by Mary Trump grew out of those disputes. When her grandfathe­r died, Mary alleges she was given “false valuations” from other family members to work out how much she should get from Fred Sr’s estate. She claims not only that she was short-changed, but also that her brother, Fred Trump III, was deprived of the full inheritanc­e that could have done much to alleviate the condition of his son, William Trump, who has cerebral palsy.

Two decades ago, Mary signed a nondisclos­ure agreement about the disputes over her grandfathe­r’s estate. By publishing this book, her Trump relations maintain, she has broken that nondisclos­ure agreement.

As is often the case, a mega-rich family have fallen out disastrous­ly over money. They say blood is thicker than water. But bad blood is the most powerful – and toxic – fluid of them all.

Maryanne is said to have mocked his run for president, dubbing him ‘a clown’

We’re shaped by our parents, but also by our siblings – and relations got worse

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Born 1946, educated at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. At 25 he inherited his father’s property firm, helping him become the 275th richest person in the US, and the first billionair­e president. He has five children from three marriages.
Born 1946, educated at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. At 25 he inherited his father’s property firm, helping him become the 275th richest person in the US, and the first billionair­e president. He has five children from three marriages.
 ??  ?? Born 1939, the oldest son. Friendly and gentle-natured, Fred lacked the killer business instinct demanded by his workaholic father. His dreams of becoming a pilot were scuppered by alcoholism. He died of a heart attack at 42.
Born 1939, the oldest son. Friendly and gentle-natured, Fred lacked the killer business instinct demanded by his workaholic father. His dreams of becoming a pilot were scuppered by alcoholism. He died of a heart attack at 42.
 ??  ?? Born 1937, the oldest of the siblings. As a child she “knew better than to compete with Donald”, her father’s clear favourite, she has said. A respected lawyer, in 1983 she was nominated to a federal court. She retired last year and has one son.
Born 1937, the oldest of the siblings. As a child she “knew better than to compete with Donald”, her father’s clear favourite, she has said. A respected lawyer, in 1983 she was nominated to a federal court. She retired last year and has one son.
 ??  ?? Born 1942, she is the most obscure of the siblings. Described by her younger brother Donald as “bright but less ambitious”, she avoided the family business and instead went into banking. She married James Grau, a film producer.
Born 1942, she is the most obscure of the siblings. Described by her younger brother Donald as “bright but less ambitious”, she avoided the family business and instead went into banking. She married James Grau, a film producer.
 ??  ?? Born 1948, he followed his older brother, Donald into the family property firm. He was married for 25 years to socialite Blaine Trump, before a high-profile divorce in 2008. He has a good relationsh­ip with Donald, attending his inaugurati­on.
Born 1948, he followed his older brother, Donald into the family property firm. He was married for 25 years to socialite Blaine Trump, before a high-profile divorce in 2008. He has a good relationsh­ip with Donald, attending his inaugurati­on.

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