The Daily Telegraph

A-level and GCSE results to be higher than those of 2019

- By Camilla Turner EDUCATION EDITOR

A-LEVEL and GCSE results this summer will be higher than last year’s, the exam watchdog has said, after teachers predicted overly-generous grades.

Ofqual said that it was “not surprising” that grades predicted by teachers were optimistic since teachers “naturally want to do their best for their students”.

Teachers bumped up A-level marks by 12 per cent on average and GCSE marks by 9 per cent when they submitted their predicted grades to exam boards, the regulator found.

Teachers’ prediction­s were particular­ly high for some grades this year compared to last year’s actual grades, according to an analysis by Ofqual.

Last year, 25.5 per cent of students got an A grade at A-level and 51.6 per cent for a B, but this year teachers predicted that 37.8 per cent and 65 per cent of pupils would respective­ly.

Meanwhile for GCSES, 24.7 per cent of students were awarded grade 7 last year, equivalent to an A, but this year teachers predicted that 31.6 per cent of students would achieve the same grade. “Improvemen­t on such a scale in a single year has never occurred and to allow it would significan­tly undermine the value of these grades for students,” Ofqual warned. The regulator explained that they have developed a sta- tistical model which means A-level marks will be on average 2 per cent higher than last year and GCSE marks 1 per cent higher. But even after moderation, Ofqual has predicted that students’ results this summer will be “slightly higher” than last year’s.

The regulator says that a “substantia­l number” of students will receive at least one grade that has been changed as a result of their standardis­ation process, which takes into account their past educationa­l attainment as well as their school’s history.

The Commons education select committee said less affluent schoolchil­dren risk missing out on the exam results they deserve this summer as a result of an “unfair” system.

But Ofqual said its analysis found that “the concerns that identifiab­le groups of students would lose out from this year’s arrangemen­ts have not been borne out”.

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