The Daily Telegraph

Failure will make agents more dangerous


Russia’s failure to assassinat­e former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury will make it more dangerous because it will learn from its mistakes, says the intelligen­ce and security committee report.

It means that future attacks will be even harder to detect as Russia improves its training and tactics to avoid the same errors, said the MPS in their longawaite­d report on Russia.

The two agents’ botched attempt to kill Mr Skripal with a nerve agent saw them caught on multiple CCTV cameras. They then appeared in a bizarre interview on Russian television in which they claimed to be two gay men drawn to a sleepy English town by a gothic cathedral and its 123-metre spire.

Media investigat­ors then revealed that classified passport details for the two men led directly to Russia’s military intelligen­ce service (GRU).

These mistakes were followed by a heavy-handed attempt to infiltrate the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons.

But the MPS warned: “Whilst these attacks demonstrat­e that the Russian Intelligen­ce Services (RIS) are not infallible, it would be foolhardy to think that they are any less dangerous because of these mistakes.

“Indeed, the likelihood is that the RIS will learn from their errors, and become more difficult to detect and protect against as a result.”

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