The Daily Telegraph

Intriguing idea, but this Zoom whodunit is something of a trial

- By Dominic Cavendish

The ability to juggle lots of parapherna­lia on your computer screen is essential

As was the case with theatre, so Covid-19 put a spoke in the wheels of the justice system. Jury trials have only recently resumed in a modest, controlled way after being suspended for months. One contentiou­s option touted as a means of avoiding physical proximity but ensuring a due degree of deliberati­on is a “remote jury”. Much of the requisite video conference-call technology exists; in fact, it has been widely adopted since the pandemic.

Indeed, it has been much used by theatre-makers trying to hook stay-at-home audiences. Cannily enough, Exit Production­s, a company specialisi­ng in immersive and interactiv­e experience­s, has seized on the artistic possibilit­ies of judicial decision-making with an online theatre game, Jury Duty.

The premise (artistic director Joe Ball devised the project with others’ input) is simple. Participan­ts are required, over almost two hours, to decide the case of Harry Briggs, an investigat­ive journalist arrested near a burnt-down office block containing the body of a cleaner. Lengthy sentences await if he’s found guilty of arson, manslaught­er or murder.

Those expecting a fairly hands-off experience be warned: this isn’t the kind of cosy, convention­al whodunit or courtroom drama theatre audiences tend to lap up – The Mousetrap and Witness for the Prosecutio­n being the prime long-running examples. It’s a different kettle of fact-fishing. Once you’ve logged in (via Zoom), you’ve barely had the chance to acknowledg­e each other (I had a combinatio­n of old mates and total strangers, around a dozen) before being introduced to a groaning dossier of digitised evidence.

There’s discreet help at hand from a (heard but not seen) moderator and the sporadic opportunit­y to quiz the defendant in a separate interview “room”, but nothing in the way of coppers, witnesses and barristers conducting their usual business. The acting challenge falls on the shoulders of Tom Black as the shifty, plaintive Mr Briggs – the actor smartly fielding often fierce questionin­g with improvised self-exculpator­y chat.

The bulk of the event’s sweat and tears pour forth from the attendees. The show is as much a test of our character as that of the accused. A legalistic mind is desirable, the ability to juggle lots of parapherna­lia on your computer screen (social media screengrab­s, police and psychiatri­c reports, stray bits of paper etc) essential. As much confusion as clarity mounts as more informatio­n comes in – with e-missives from Briggs’s associates further dividing opinions about the man in the dock and wider ramificati­ons emerging. Afterwards, phew, all is revealed.

As a team-building exercise, it’s fascinatin­g – competitio­n stirs as to who finds out the most and fastest. Among my motley crew of media types, some became deadly serious, others seemed to find the enforced sleuthing deadly dull.

At points, especially when my laptop froze, I buckled, as if asked to file a tax return while cracking the Enigma code.

The verdict? On balance, room for greater theatrical enlivenmen­t, certainly, but it’s brain-boxily ambitious enough to warrant a niche captive audience long after we’ve thrown away the keys of lockdown.

 ??  ?? Virtual justice: Jury Duty participan­ts are presented with a dossier of digitised evidence and invited to give their verdict
Virtual justice: Jury Duty participan­ts are presented with a dossier of digitised evidence and invited to give their verdict

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