The Daily Telegraph

Court Circular



The Queen held a Council via video link at 12.00 noon.

There were present: the Rt Hon Jacob Rees-mogg, MP (Lord President), the Rt Hon Robert Buckland, MP (Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice), the Rt Hon Oliver Dowden, MP (Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports), and the Rt Hon Alister Jack, MP (Secretary of State for Scotland).

Mr Richard Tilbrook was in attendance as Clerk of the Council.

The Queen received the Archbishop of York (the Most Reverend and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell) via video link, who did homage upon his appointmen­t.

The Rt Hon Robert Buckland, MP (Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice), administer­ed the Oath.

The Bishop of Carlisle (Clerk of the Closet) was in attendance.


The Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and The Duchess of Cornwall, Patron, Cornwall Community Foundation, this morning visited Treverbyn Community Hall, Treverbyn Road, Stenalees, and subsequent­ly met children from Treverbyn Academy, having been received by Her Majesty’s Lord-lieutenant of Cornwall (Colonel Edward Bolitho).

Their Royal Highnesses afterwards visited St Austell Healthcare, the Wheal Northey Centre, St Austell, Cornwall.

The Prince of Wales, President, The Prince’s Trust, this evening held a Meeting via video link.

His Royal Highness later held a Meeting for the Sustainabl­e Markets Initiative via video link.


The Earl of Wessex, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Internatio­nal Award Foundation, this afternoon chaired a Meeting via video link.

His Royal Highness, Trustee, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, later held a Meeting with Ms Caroline Glen (Director of Fundraisin­g) via video link. For more details about the Royal Family, visit

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