The Daily Telegraph

‘I woke up to see my mum crying. I felt bad, but it has made me braver’

Twelve-year-old skateboard star Sky Brown vows to bounce back from the accident that nearly killed her and inspire girls by becoming Britain’s youngest summer Olympian, writes Pippa Field


It is a blessing that Sky Brown remembers very little about the terrifying skateboard­ing accident that left her fighting for her life. Mercifully, the moment the then-11-year-old suffered multiple fractures to her skull, a broken left arm, broken fingers and laceration­s to her heart and lungs after falling headfirst from more than 15ft remains a little hazy. But the distraught reaction of her family has stayed in her mind.

“The next thing I remember was waking up in hospital,” recalls

Brown in her first interview with a British newspaper since her accident. “They were only allowing one person from my family in. I’m pretty sure I saw my mum first and she was crying. It made me feel really bad. They were really scared. I didn’t want them to feel scared.”

Had it not been for coronaviru­s forcing the 2020 Tokyo Games to be postponed, Brown, a profession­al skateboard­er, Nike’s youngest sponsored athlete and already a role model to thousands of young girls, would be in Tokyo making her bow as Britain’s youngest-ever summer Olympian. If there is the smallest of silver linings, it is that she has more than a year to get her body back to its fighting-fit best.

The video of her crash, posted on her Instagram account to her 600,000 followers last month, does not make for easy watching. Brown was attempting a trick off the ramp before losing control, legs and arms flailing in mid-air, before emergency sirens, helicopter blades and hospital noises filled the silence. Brown, sporting an angry black eye and left arm in a cast, is then seen in her hospital bed, bravely saying: “Don’t worry, I’m OK, it’s OK to fall sometimes. I’m just going to get back up and push even harder.” A separate Instagram post from her dad Stu, one day after the accident, revealed how desperate things were. From cradling his daughter in his arms as she bled helplessly on the concrete floor, to the night she spent in intensive care as the team worked to keep her alive. Her younger brother Ocean, eight, was distraught at witnessing his sister’s accident and screamed outside, unable to visit due to coronaviru­s restrictio­ns.

A month and a half has now passed since her accident and Brown, who marked turning 12 earlier this month by going surfing with her friends, enjoying a special breakfast and a “cool” present of make-your-own jewellery, is talking via Zoom from her bedroom in southern California. One of her specially designed skateboard­s, which sees a portion of proceeds from sales go to charity, is propped up near the window. The powerful message from an athlete still yet to reach her teen years is unwavering. “You’re going to fall sometimes, it’s an accident and I don’t want that to stop me from doing what I really love. Skateboard­ing is literally the best. It just made me a braver girl, so much so. I’m not going to stop.” It is 5am in the morning, a request from her side so that she can go surfing afterwards. On a normal day Sky would be up at 4am to hit the waves, and pack in breakfast,

‘You’re going to fall sometimes, it’s an accident and I don’t want that to stop me from doing what I really love’ ‘I feel I have a responsibi­lity to show girls as sometimes they are scared to do what they want to really do’

schoolwork, skating and then another surf in the evening.

Despite the early hour, Brown is all energy, her usual perky, polite self, happy to tackle questions, including on how her recovery is going. Wearing a helmet and initially breaking her fall with an arm undoubtedl­y saved her life, but it was the relentless positivity that doctors believe helped accelerate her recovery.

“I’m feeling way better,” she says. “My hand is doing all right. I still can’t bend it all the way, it’s just been really stiff. But it’s better than having a cast.” That is the latest sign of progress – the removal of the cast on her left hand, which she had the idea herself to write ‘Brave’ across in big black letters. The scale of injuries meant skateboard­ing and other high-intensity activities were put on the back burner, a tough order for someone who does not like to sit still. Rules on healthy eating were initially lifted with Takis, her favourite crisps, in plentiful supply. “When I first saw my dad in hospital, he came in with two bags of presents that he thought I would like,” she recalls. “I had lots of ice cream Popsicles all night, it was the only thing I could really eat.”

When finally she was discharged to go home, she spent time with her family, going fishing and shopping. There was also the release of her book, Sky’s the Limit: Words of Wisdom from a Young Champion, originally timed to coincide with the build-up to the Olympics but her inspiratio­nal quotes were timely given recent events. “I thought it was a good way to tell all the girls all my messages because I have lots. Just to never stop,” she says, proudly lifting it down from the bookshelf behind her.

To show her fans that her recovery was on track, she choreograp­hed a Tiktok dance to Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You). “I wanted to show girls that don’t worry, I’m all right, I’m still dancing, and that was a good song to come back with,” she says. Brown first shot to fame in the United States in 2018 after winning reality TV show Dancing with the Stars: Juniors. Her many achievemen­ts include winning world championsh­ip bronze last year, becoming the first female to land a ‘frontside 540’, plus getting endorsemen­ts from Nike, Gopro and Galaxy, alongside her charity work. Any one of those accolades could turn a young child’s life upside down, but Brown’s parents are determined to keep things as normal as possible. Getting back on her skateboard less than six weeks after her accident was returning to her “happy place”.

“Just doing the airs again, skating with Ocean, it felt so good,” she says, a big smile breaking out across her face.

Brown’s tender years may have helped to shelter her from the seriousnes­s of her accident. Asked when she has been the most scared she says: “My brother loves bugs, like insects and animals, so he would grab a lizard and chase me around with it and I would start crying as I hate insects. I’m scared of those things.”

The trick she crashed on while at mentor Tony Hawk’s indoor facility – “airing over the channel” or riding up one side of the vert ramp, or halfpipe, and bridging the gap before landing on the same side – was one Brown had successful­ly managed a month previously, with help from Hawk. The 52-year-old, a trailblaze­r in the sport, thinks her confidence and rare ability to learn new tricks could help make Brown “one of the best female skaters ever, if not one of the best, well-rounded skaters ever, regardless of gender.”

“It’s crazy to see Tony say that,” she says. “Sometimes any tricks can be scary. But when you land it, it feels better. If it’s easy, it doesn’t feel as good. When you’re in the air, you feel like you’re flying.”

Brown qualifies to compete for Great Britain through her English father, and was convinced to represent them rather than Japan, the country of birth for both her and her mum Mieko, after an informal approach from Skateboard GB chair Lucy Adams. Even with the delay, she will still become Britain’s youngest summer Olympian next year at 13 years and 10 days, surpassing Margery Hinton, who swam in the 1928 Games, by four days.

While “crushed” to see the Games postponed, she insists: “Lives are more important than anything.”

“It just lets me have a longer journey,” says Brown, who is one of The Telegraph’s Tokyo Eight athletes. “It would be amazing to win a medal, it would be dreamy. But honestly, more than that, I want to show tricks that boys are doing, and go higher and just push boundaries.

“I feel like I have a responsibi­lity to show girls – because sometimes they are scared to do what they want to really do. And we can’t let the boys have all the fun. You can be pretty and still be tough.”

Brown repeats the mantra that she lives by. “I always had this fire in me. To never give up. That’s why I’m telling everyone. I’m going to keep on going.”

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 ??  ?? Major target: Sky Brown, with brother Ocean below, aims to compete at the Tokyo Games
Major target: Sky Brown, with brother Ocean below, aims to compete at the Tokyo Games
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 ??  ?? On the mend: Sky Brown recovers in hospital after falling when attempting a gravity-defying trick from a ramp, which left her with a fractured skull, broken bones and a lacerated heart and lungs
On the mend: Sky Brown recovers in hospital after falling when attempting a gravity-defying trick from a ramp, which left her with a fractured skull, broken bones and a lacerated heart and lungs

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