The Daily Telegraph

‘Show trial’ anger of Caroline Flack’s family

- By Martin Evans Crime Correspond­ent

The Crown Prosecutio­n Service was accused of seeking to stage a “show trial” for Caroline Flack, her family said yesterday. The inquest into the death of the television presenter, who was found dead at her east London flat in February, was told that prosecutor­s had initially decided to let her off with a caution for attacking her boyfriend, until the police intervened and asked for the case to be reconsider­ed. Flack’s mother, Chris, said she had been “seriously let down by the authoritie­s”.

PROSECUTOR­S initially wanted to caution Caroline Flack for attacking her boyfriend, but the Metropolit­an Police appealed the decision, meaning she was charged with assault, an inquest into her death was told yesterday.

The family of the television presenter, who was found hanged at her east London flat in February, have accused the Crown Prosecutio­n Service of seeking to stage a “show trial”, by pursuing criminal charges against her.

Her inquest was told prosecutor­s had initially decided to let her off with a caution, until the police intervened and asked for the case to be reconsider­ed.

Miss Flack, who hosted popular TV shows including Love Island and The X Factor, was arrested in the early hours of Dec 12 last year, after allegedly hitting her boyfriend Lewis Burton over the head with a lamp or mobile phone.

Lisa Ramsarran, deputy chief Crown prosecutor for north London, told the inquest that while there had been enough evidence to charge her, it was felt a caution would be more appropriat­e, because she had admitted the offence. But she went on: “I understand the police did not feel this [a caution)] was a suitable disposal in this case.”

Ms Ramsarran explained that the police asked for the decision to be reviewed and it was then that Ms Flack was charged with assault by beating and summoned to appear at Highbury Corner magistrate­s’ court on Dec 23.

Ms Flack’s mother, Chris, and twin sister, Jody, who gave evidence via video link, said she had been “seriously let down by the authoritie­s” and revealed she had tried to take her own life the night before she was due in court.

Her mother wept as she told the coroner it had felt like she was being subjected to a “show trial” and pursued because of her fame. She said: “I believe

Caroline was seriously let down by the authoritie­s, and in particular the CPS, for pursuing the case. I believe this was a show trial. Being well-known should not allow special treatment, but should not allow making an example of someone.”

Jody said her sister had been so worried about appearing in court that she believed she had tried to take her own life the night before. She told the inquest: “I believe the shame ... was too much to deal with ... It was our belief it would not be happening to her if she wasn’t in the public eye.”

Brian Wells, a doctor called to Flack’s hotel room the night before her first court appearance, said Flack had apparently “taken a small overdose”.

Mollie Grosberg, a close friend of Ms Flack, said her mental health deteriorat­ed the more famous she got. She said: “Normally the kind of person she was, she could pick herself up. But she couldn’t after December ... she lost who she was and she couldn’t get it back.”

In his witness statement, Mr Burton, a former tennis profession­al, said Ms Flack had been “very upset” the last time he saw her alive. He said: “She was very upset, in fact devastated. She was not in a good place, emotionall­y. Sometimes she talked about taking her own life when she was extremely upset.”

The coroner was told that, despite Mr Burton pleading with the CPS to drop the case, Ms Flack was told the trial would go ahead, increasing her family’s concern for her mental state. Friends said the presenter had sent them a message the night before she died, saying she was going to kill herself.

When they arrived at her flat they found her on the sofa, having taken some tablets, and called paramedics.

Ms Grosberg said the medics had asked Flack if she had attempted suicide but she insisted she had not, telling them she just “had a headache”.

The inquest continues.

‘I believe Caroline was seriously let down by the authoritie­s and in particular the CPS for pursuing the case’

 ??  ?? Jody Flack, far right, pictured with her twin sister Caroline, said at the inquest: ‘It was our belief it would not be happening to her if she wasn’t in the public eye’
Jody Flack, far right, pictured with her twin sister Caroline, said at the inquest: ‘It was our belief it would not be happening to her if she wasn’t in the public eye’

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