The Daily Telegraph

Voters won’t forgive Boris a second lockdown

No10 can and will be held to account over its preparatio­ns for a winter resurgence of Covid

- Sherelle jacobs

As second-wave fears slowly reach a crescendo, the summer 2020 soundtrack crackles of déjà vu. But strain your ears, for the national mood music is changing. Yes, the mainstream remains nervous about coming out of hibernatio­n. Still, have Britons just twigged something explosive? No10 may have “done its best in a difficult situation” when the pandemic first hit, as Workington Man has tutted for months at hyper-critical London hacks. But received wisdom is starting to toy with the idea that avoiding both a second wave and a second lockdown is possible. If the idea sticks, opinion could rapidly turn against the Tories.

This week something extraordin­ary happened. Amid the usual cacophony of second-wave hysteria there was a brief moment when lockdown sceptics and second-wave doomsters sang from the same hymn sheet. In particular, No10’s political critics, the media and scientists proved themselves capable, albeit fleetingly, of communicat­ing in unison two important things with which few lockdown sceptics would quibble. First, a sensible timetable for a possible second wave, which assumes that while the virus has, for now, subsided it may come back in winter. Second, that the Government can and should be held to account over its preparatio­ns for such a resurgence.

Well, sort of. “Current testing and contact tracing is inadequate to prevent a second wave of coronaviru­s after schools in the UK reopen,” rattled the BBC’S lead story on Tuesday. So far so scaremonge­ring, particular­ly given the lack of evidence that children transmit the disease. But an interestin­g logic ran through the report: it referenced modelling from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) suggesting that if Covid returns this winter, track and trace could prevent both a surge and the need for “intermitte­nt lockdown measures” when schools reopen.

Recognitio­n is growing then that the race is on to avoid a second lockdown as well as a second wave (or as some of us prefer to describe it, the seasonal return of an endemic coronaviru­s); both are possible if only ministers get their act together. In recent days, one of the WHO’S top “disease detectives”, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, urged countries not to reimpose this “blunt, sheer force instrument”. And on Tuesday, none other than Tony Blair called for mass testing to avoid another lockdown, claiming that, in the absence of a vaccine, it is the only thing that “gets you to a place where you can more or less get your economy moving whilst containing the disease”.

Still, if people suspect that the second wave is already here, how can ministers be blamed for failing to prepare? So it’s probably a coincidenc­e that Downing Street continues to circulate potentiall­y misleading data that suggests Covid is surging in the community; in fact, as Oxford University pointed out this week, when case figures are adjusted for changes in testing over time, community infection looks to be flatlining, as hospital cases fall.

Heaven forbid that the state’s “experts” might call out such distortion­s. Instead, Sage scientists have proved No 10’s useful idiots, whipping up second-wave frenzy as they lobby for “realistic” policies in the media. Take Sage stalwart and LSHTM Professor Graham Medley’s claim that pubs may have to shut as a “trade off ” so schools can reopen; a curious message to peddle given that his own university’s latest schools modelling suggests a proper track-and-trace system could prevent the need for such a choice. But here we have perhaps hit on an interestin­g split between scientists close to No10 and those more embedded in academia. The former, who are captive to the system, have a habit of dishing out advice that seems to adapt to rather than confront the Government’s failings.

The broadcast media is, naturally, more than willing to point out No 10’s deficienci­es. Trouble is, it is constantly distracted by the temptation­s of second-wave scaremonge­ring. And so it goes that this week, one German doctor’s heavily caveated remarks about a “shallow second upswing” that is not comparable to the force of the first triggered a viral story that Germany could already be in the jaws of a second wave. It was somehow lost in translatio­n that this country of 83 million people had 12 recorded Covid-related deaths yesterday.

Nor has Sir Keir Starmer quite got the memo that a second lockdown spells disaster for the Tories in the Red Wall. His warning yesterday that “if the Government doesn’t use this summer wisely … Britain faces a long and bleak winter” groped at, rather than grasped, the crucial point. As Northern councils threatened by local lockdowns launch their own bottom-up track-and-trace operations in despair at No10’s over-centralise­d approach, that noble centralisi­ng socialist institutio­n, the Labour Party, has a strange opportunit­y: hammer home how it would decentrali­se track and trace to avert nationwide shutdown.

And so in the fog of panic, there is a glimmer of light. Or, if you are the PM, a glint of menace. For if a summer narrative sets in that No10 has the power to prevent a second lockdown and then it fails to do so, the price is simple: Boris Johnson will not win another election.

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