The Daily Telegraph

‘I’m trying not to boil with rage, but it’s tough’


Ann, 40

Works in management for a bank

I’ve worked in management at the HQ of a big bank for several years – as a senior staff member, I was expected to go in as soon as lockdown eased; one of the first “wave” who returned to a very different office with distanced desks, no canteen, no socialisin­g. There were only a handful of us in and it felt like being in a ghost ship. We work hard, but there’s always been a culture of drinks after work and letting off steam. Now, after a tough day, I just put on my mask and commute home in silence.

I’d enjoyed working from home during lockdown – being able to spend time with my two young daughters and set my own hours a bit more was very enjoyable, and I hoped we could somehow find a way to let that continue. Unfortunat­ely, my managers insisted I return.

Meanwhile, my close colleague is still on furlough. But that means she’s doing nothing while I feel I’m doing everything. We’re casual friends outside of work, and when we have a catch up, so I can keep her in the loop, she’s full of tales about how she’s been swimming at her local lido and sunning herself in the garden. I’d give a lot to be in her position.

I’m trying not to resent her, but knowing she’s on almost the same salary as me, and has had such a different experience of lockdown, rankles. I’m trying not to boil with rage, but it’s tough. I haven’t been offered any perks to make up for it – but here’s hoping.

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