The Daily Telegraph

Stronger leadership


sir – This country is flounderin­g. As you point out in your Leading Article (August 19), only about 33 per cent of white-collar workers are back at their desks, and our once-vibrant capital is in danger of turning into a ghost town.

We need positive messages from our Government, along with confidence and true leadership – but it doesn’t appear to be listening.

Silvia Nesbitt

London W13

sir – While I agree with Geoffrey Wyartt (Letters, August 20) that a Corbyn administra­tion would not have done a better job of governing Britain over the past few months, I do not see this as a valid excuse for the atrocious performanc­e of Boris Johnson’s team.

What a sad indictment of a oncegreat political party that its senior politician­s are merely the least-worst option available to us.

John Waine

Nuneaton, Warwickshi­re

sir – I note with chagrin that Baroness Dido Harding will be head of the new quango that replaces Public Health England (report, August 17), despite, like Matt Hancock, having no scientific experience or qualificat­ions (both studied PPE at Oxford).

As yet another senior Tory with no in-depth scientific understand­ing of the problems we face, she is unlikely to be able to do the job required.

When will the Government realise that without suitably qualified leaders, its department­s will simply make the same mistakes that we have witnessed over the past six months?

Richard Field

Kirkby-in-ashfield, Nottingham­shire

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