The Daily Telegraph

Schools are overreacti­ng to the Covid risk

Disproport­ionate rules around social distancing and masks are making our children’s lives a misery

- molly kingsley

It’s great the kids are back in school. Or at least, that’s what we are all telling ourselves. Many schools have worked wonders to get every child back into the classroom, and to create a welcoming environmen­t. A number have positively excelled, like the school that built an outdoor decking area so that its students could dine more communally “al fresco”. But these uplifting anecdotes are, sadly, postscript­s to now depressing­ly familiar reports of schools going awry.

Judging by the increasing­ly worrying examples pouring in to Usforthem, it’s clear that the discretion bestowed on schools by the Government has been as often a bane as a benefit – a source of contradict­ion, logistical paralysis and, in some distressin­g cases, derelictio­n.

A first case in point: face coverings. Even if we left aside the extensive expert opinion that face coverings disrupt learning and may also cause physical and emotional harm, and even if we ignored, for now, that WHO guidance underpinni­ng the Government’s U-turn on masks states that “key informatio­n should be collected on a regular basis to accompany and monitor the interventi­on” – notably omitted from the Department for Education’s guidance and not happening in practice – it is already clear that many schools have felt it necessary to go beyond government guidance, which limits face coverings in schools to communal areas in local lockdown locations. We know of countless examples of schools outside lockeddown areas mandating masks for children in lessons, playground­s, and even on the walk to school. They are being required in primaries, and for pupils but not teachers. At least one school has installed CCTV to monitor “mask compliance”.

Then, social distancing. It’s everywhere and nowhere, seemingly at random and often at the same time. Parents freely mix outside the school gates while their children are marched to socially distanced classrooms in regimental formation. An obsession with reducing contact between different groups of children persists. Siblings are being prevented from mixing across year groups; the benign-sounding “bubble” has razored friendship groups. Cooking, science experiment­s and sports have been axed from the curriculum.

Children are being required to stay in a single classroom all day, which means in some cases the curriculum has morphed to one subject per day. Children are then told to sit outside at lunch and every break time regardless of the weather. One school made pupils eat lunch outside in the rain. Prisoners have rioted for less.

Muddled in with this multitudin­ous madness are trends which should send shivers down the spine of anyone who professes to care about child welfare. One school has required pupils as young as seven to leave school, unaccompan­ied, and meet parents and carers beyond the school gates. Others are requiring children exempt from wearing a mask, which commonly includes those with special needs, to wear a distinguis­hing badge; the sight of teaching staff in masks and visors makes school untenable for many such children already. We have been contacted by multiple distressed Special Educationa­l Needs (SEN) parents who tell us they feel abandoned, with no option but to now withdraw their children from school.

Deliberate or not, schools have become places of potential harm for children. This is the antithesis of what they should be about. To remedy this unfolding tragedy, the following needs to happen, now. Parents must be allowed into school premises to see the regimes being applied. This is especially important for those of us with young children. The Ofsted inspection­s beginning at the end of this month must be rapidly scaled up – that they are only inspecting 1,200 schools is woefully inadequate. Safeguardi­ng training for teachers must be urgently updated. And we must learn from good practices at schools that have reacted proportion­ately.

It has become clear that the Government has allowed many schools to respond unreasonab­ly to the risks. For the sake of all of our children we must be collective­ly brave enough to acknowledg­e the overreacti­on and to change tack. Immediatel­y.

Molly Kingsley is co-founder of children’s rights group Usforthem

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