The Daily Telegraph

Return to lockdown would be a disaster, says Johnson

Prime Minister defends ‘rule of six’ and promises more testing capacity during grilling by MPS


A SECOND lockdown would be an economic “disaster” for the UK, Boris

Johnson said last night, as he acknowledg­ed that the testing system was experienci­ng “huge problems”.

In his second appearance before the powerful Commons liaison committee this year, the Prime Minister fielded questions on the surge in Covid-19 infections, testing shortages and his handling of the Brexit negotiatio­ns.

Mr Johnson insisted that reimposing nationwide restrictio­ns would be “completely wrong for this country” and warned that the impact on the public finances would be “disastrous”.

But he pushed back against criticism of the tightening of social distancing measures through the “rule of six”, telling MPS that ministers would do everything necessary to “defeat the disease”.

Schools contributi­ng to the testing shortages

With the Government implementi­ng rationing to cope with a surge in demand for Covid-19 tests, Mr Johnson suggested during the 103-minute session that overly cautious parents and teachers could be exacerbati­ng shortages nationwide.

Asked by Greg Clark, the former business secretary, whether the UK had sufficient testing capacity, Mr Johnson said the “short answer is no” but insisted that ministers would “work night and day” to bolster capacity in the coming weeks. While acknowledg­ing that the system was facing “huge problems” he pointed out that the Government had already “expanded testing enormously”, with the UK testing more people per head than Germany, France and Spain.

He said ministers intended to hit 500,000 tests per day by the end of October, in order to make a “very substantia­l difference”.

Pressed on why shortages were occurring, Mr Johnson said demand had accelerate­d in recent weeks partly because people were seeking to be “released to get on with their lives”.

Although this was “perfectly reasonable,” he said the guidance made clear that people should only seek a test when they had symptoms.

On schools, he added that teachers should not be sending home whole year groups or classroom bubbles until a pupil in that cohort had tested positive for Covid-19.

Quizzed on the ambition to roll out “moonshot” mass testing in the future,

‘I would prefer protection­s to guarantee the integrity of this country and protect against the potential rupture of the UK’

Mr Johnson admitted that the UK was still a “long way off ” rapid pregnancy-style tests.

More deaths to come

Mr Johnson resisted calls for England to follow Scotland and Wales in exempting younger children from the new “rule of six”, pointing out it was “alas a fact of the disease that it is readily transmissi­ble between children and adults”.

Asked by Labour’s Catherine Mckinnell whether he would consider looking again at the restrictio­ns, he said it could increase the risk at a time when transmissi­on between the young to the old was already on the rise.

He added that incidence of the disease among those aged over 80 had increased significan­tly over recent days, and now stood at 12 people per 100,000.

And while the number of cases remains far fewer than during the peak of the first wave, he warned that this trend would result in an uptick of fatalities. Asked by Conservati­ve MP Will Wragg when he would hold a public inquiry into the Government’s response to the pandemic, Mr Johnson said that dwelling on the subject would not be a “good use of official time at the moment”.

Refusal to back airport testing

The Prime Minister played down the effectiven­ess of testing in airports as he was told that in Italy it could soon be possible to receive a test within 30 minutes after arriving at the terminal.

Yesterday, Italy announced its ambition for Covid-free flights with rapid tests for all passengers.

Fiumicino airport in Rome, which already offers rapid testing to passengers arriving from Greece, Spain, Malta and Croatia, will today become the first European airport to test departing passengers as part of an initial trial involving flights to Milan.

However, Mr Johnson told the committee that airport tests gave people a “false sense of security” because in a large number of cases they gave “false negative” results.

While ministers are engaged in talks with the UK aviation industry on the issue, No10 has also repeatedly signalled its resistance to a one-test system.

Tit-for-tat tariffs

In comments that will escalate tensions with Brussels, Mr Johnson said he did not believe the EU was negotiatin­g in good faith in trade talks and warned the UK could impose “formidable” tariffs in the event of no deal.

Asked why he was seeking to alter parts of the Brexit divorce deal through the Internal Market Bill, Mr Johnson said he was seeking “belt and braces” protection­s to prevent the EU erecting trade barriers within the UK through “extreme interpreta­tions” of the Withdrawal Agreement.

He also suggested that the EU was acting in bad faith by threatenin­g to effectivel­y block British food exports in the event of no deal. When it was pointed out that Brandon Lewis, the Northern Ireland Secretary, had said the EU was negotiatin­g in good faith, Mr Johnson replied: “It is always possible that I am mistaken and perhaps they will prove my suspicions wrong.

“But, in the meantime, I would prefer protection­s that guarantee the integrity of this country and protect against the potential rupture of the United Kingdom.”

He told the committee: “Our external tariff regime, were it to come in, would be quite formidable for some of their products and I think that’s even more reason why everybody should want to agree a zero tariff, zero quota arrangemen­t.”

Australian-style deal not good for UK

Mr Johnson appeared to row back slightly on his previous claims that exiting the transition period without a trade deal with the EU would be a “good outcome”. With ministers pushing for a post-brexit agreement by Oct 15, the Prime Minister last week said that the UK would “prosper mightily” regardless of any deal.

However, Labour’s Hilary Benn said that in that scenario UK farmers could be faced with tariffs of up to 90 per cent on beef, 60 per cent on lamb, while car manufactur­ers could face 10 per cent duties.

Mr Johnson said: “It’s not what this country wants and it’s not what our EU friends and partners want from us.”

Conservati­ve MP Neil Parish warned that no trade deal could cause disruption to food imports from across the Channel in the new year. However, the Prime Minister said he was “confident” of keeping things “flowing smoothly”.

Creative replacemen­t for furlough

Mr Johnson appeared to play down the chances of extending the furlough scheme but insisted that the Government would show “creativity and flexibilit­y” in supporting the economy.

When pressed by Mel Stride, the former Treasury minister, Mr Johnson said the UK had provided one of the most generous schemes around the world, with the Government’s 80 per cent underwriti­ng of wages higher than Germany, France and Spain.

As October approaches, Mr Johnson added that he would be looking to “fight for every sector” of the economy.

He also faced calls to plug the gaps in the Government’s support packages, with Mr Stride warning that there were more than one million people, among them company owners, the self-employed and freelancer­s, who had been unable to access schemes.

Mr Johnson said that while he had “real sympathy” for those affected, most people had been able to qualify for one of the schemes, with more than £160billion already spent on supporting jobs and businesses.

“We are determined to put our arms around the country,” he added, “[but there must be of course limits.”

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