The Daily Telegraph

Britain must resist growing Chinese pressure


sir – Dominic Raab is to be congratula­ted for suggesting that Britain boycott the Winter Olympics in 2022 because of China’s gross treatment of Uighur people (report, October 8). But our concern over China should go beyond its cruelty to people within its borders.

China recently announced that anyone, anywhere in the world, who speaks against Chinese interests (as I am doing here) is now guilty of a crime under Chinese law.

As China has increasing influence in boardrooms across the world, this gives it power to threaten foreign CEOS with withdrawal of funding or prosecutio­n if they fail to sack employees who speak against China.

Currently, British nuclear energy developmen­t is dependent on just two foreign firms – EDF and a Chinese, state-sanctioned conglomera­te. British universiti­es rely heavily on Chinese money, and capitulate to demands to suppress debate on China. Whereas we scarcely think beyond the end of our noses, China plans 60 and more years ahead. Its clear aim is to shackle the world.

It is morally right to withdraw from the Beijing Olympics in 2022, but it is also essential for Britain to remove Chinese influence from our nuclear projects and education establishm­ents. Philip Hodson

Newmarket, Suffolk

sir – There was a campaign to boycott the 1936 Munich Olympics. History records the success of Jesse Owens and the failure of the Nazis.

Hugh Antrobus


sir – Perhaps Dominic Raab might also give considerat­ion to the forgotten peoples of Tibet.

Tom Fisher

Paignton, Devon

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