The Daily Telegraph

Margaret Maccurtain

Fearless Dominican nun known as ‘Sister Ben’ who campaigned on liberal causes in Ireland

- Margaret Maccurtain, born April 27 1929, died October 5 2020

MARGARET MACCURTAIN, who has died aged 91 at the Dominican convent at Cabra in Dublin, was a fiery nun who espoused a succession of liberal and feminist causes, and a lecturer in history at University College Dublin (1964-94) who rejoiced that her lifelong determinat­ion to write women into mainstream Irish history had succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.

She belonged to the last generation of Irish women to espouse the religious life, in which they had once been a major force in the Catholic Church throughout the English-speaking world and beyond. While remaining true to her vocation as a nun, she personifie­d the disillusio­nment with traditiona­l Church teaching that alienated so many Irish women from an institutio­n which they had once done so much to sustain.

Born in Cork on April 27 1929, one of five children of a schools inspector, and known in her family as Peg, Margaret Maccurtain was a political activist as a student studying History, Irish and English at University College Cork. She surprised her family when on graduation she entered the Dominican order. A secluded life of conformity and obedience seemed to await her, and an English suitor of hers was left disappoint­ed.

Taking Benvenuta as her name in religion, she taught history at the order’s Sion Hill School near Dublin. She was released from enclosure to take a Master’s degree at University College Dublin and then wrote a doctorate on Daniel O’daly, a 17th-century Irish

Dominican exiled in Catholic Spain. Researchin­g in the Vatican archives, she was impressed by the pivotal role some women played at that time; this kindled her interest in women’s history.

In 1964 she was welcomed as a lecturer into the UCD History School, which had a long history of female academics. The college authoritie­s were, however, taken aback when, four years later, attired in her Dominican habit, she spoke out at demonstrat­ions in support of a sit-in by students protesting against inadequate facilities and poor teaching. This set the tone for an uneasy relationsh­ip in the years ahead.

In 1979 she was given three years’ leave of absence to become the first principal of a vocational college in a working-class district of Dublin. On her return she secured an injunction in the High Court to fight off UCD authoritie­s who wished to make her part-time on the ground that her commitment­s – serving a term as prioress of the Sion Hill convent – were incompatib­le with a full-time post. She also had to brave opposition before having women’s history added to the syllabus in 1987.

Margaret Maccurtain was equally defiant towards the controllin­g Archbishop Mcquaid of Dublin, who demanded to see the text of lectures on the Reformatio­n and CounterRef­ormation she was giving to undergradu­ates.

Although not incapable of sharpness, she was well liked by students. “Go for it” was her usual enthusiast­ic response when they sought her advice on a project. She had an engaging smile that betokened openness, and was a sympatheti­c listener to those who came to her with their troubles.

Her campaignin­g tendencies manifested themselves when she joined marches to protest against apartheid and, nearer home, the destructio­n of the remains of Viking Dublin to make way for municipal offices. She resumed her birth name of Margaret when canon law was amended in the 1970s to allow it but many continued to think of her as the battling “Sister Ben”.

Her main focus had become the feminist movement for “gender equality”. She objected to school textbooks depicting boys doing brave things and girls being passive at home; demanded the amendment of the sexist language of the Bible and in Church liturgy; and debunked the cult of the Virgin Mary that was so strong among Irish Catholics.

She insisted that nuns should be “more than cooing doves” serving the male leadership of the Church, with which she broke ranks boldly when in 1995 she became a patron of the successful “right to remarry” campaign to introduce divorce.

Appointed in 1997 to chair the Advisory Council of the National Archives of Ireland, she was frustrated by its lack of real powers and legislatio­n that did not make it mandatory for government department­s to make records available. Her contributi­on to scholarshi­p took the form mainly of essays, mostly on aspects of women’s history. A collection was published in two volumes in 2008 and 2019.

In her eighties she rescued for publicatio­n the doctoral thesis that was her most extensive work of original scholarshi­p. It told the story of how the Dominican Daniel O’daly, described memorably by her as having the “inscrutabl­e suavity which is the mark of a successful Kerryman”, had crowned a life of diplomatic intrigue in Europe by negotiatin­g the marriage of King Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, which restored the old alliance between Portugal and England.

Margaret Maccurtain is survived by a younger sister, Eilis.

 ??  ?? Margaret Maccurtain, or Sister Benvenuta: she insisted that nuns should be more than ‘cooing doves’ serving the male leadership of the Church
Margaret Maccurtain, or Sister Benvenuta: she insisted that nuns should be more than ‘cooing doves’ serving the male leadership of the Church

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