The Daily Telegraph

‘It’s the worst cancer crisis in a generation’

Isla Whitcroft hears from two patients who, like 650,000 others, have had their treatment plans derailed by the pandemic

- Visit breastcanc­ and for help and advice.

Just before Christmas last year, Dominique Lucas received the news that she had stage two breast cancer. At 39, with three young children, it was a devastatin­g shock, especially given she was fit and healthy with no family history or obvious risk factors for cancer.

But Dominique, a police detective who lives with her family in Oxfordshir­e, put her full confidence in her doctors, who advised a plan of a mastectomy and reconstruc­tive surgery, then chemothera­py followed by radiothera­py and hormone treatment for six years.

“I knew it was gold standard and I pinned all my hopes on it, believing it would give me the very best chance of being around for my family for many years to come,” says Dominique, married to Ian, a fellow police officer.

The mastectomy went ahead, but then, in March, like many other cancer patients, Dominique was told that her chemothera­py treatment had been cancelled because of fears that it might leave patients vulnerable to Covid-19. In fact, chemothera­py had been taken out of her treatment plan for the foreseeabl­e future.

“On top of everything else we had been through it was almost too hard to bear,” she says.

“I was tormented by the thought that my cancer was spreading and I would not be around for as long as the children needed me. I hardly slept for weeks and I would ring my oncologist in tears, but it was out of her hands.”

Dominique began radiothera­py instead, which was considered a lower-risk procedure, and finally, in late June, after pleading with her oncologist, chemothera­py was reinstated into her treatment plan.

“The truth is I will never know how this has affected my chances compared with what might have been,” she says. “That is a really hard thing to get my head around.”

The decision to close many cancer services during the spring lockdown, as the NHS prioritise­d Covid-19 care, means Dominique’s experience has been replicated across the UK. Not only did this result in crucial treatment delays, but cancer screening schemes were halted, diagnostic procedures reduced, or stopped altogether, and vital support services removed.

In April alone, the number of people in England receiving an urgent cancer referral from their GP fell to 79,573 from 200,000 in April 2019.

The cancer charity Macmillan estimates that since the lockdown, more than 655,000 patients have received disruption to their cancer care and that there are about 50,000 “missing” diagnoses (compared with 2019 figures) and about 33,000 people who should have started treatment for cancer who have not yet done so.

Natasha Marisa, 28, from Hampshire, is another who fell into the gap. She has been scanned every three months since her breast cancer diagnosis five years ago. She was due a scan during lockdown, but it was cancelled.

“I had no idea when the next one would be. It was just horrible, not knowing how the cancer was behaving,” she says.

Four weeks later a scan showed her cancer had spread. She is now on a course of chemothera­py that is currently working, but says: “It keeps going through my head – would my cancer have spread if we had managed to have the scan on time?”

A recent study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine justifies her concerns. It found that each four-week delay in treatment was associated with a six to eight per cent increased risk of death for all cancers.

“It is the worst cancer crisis in my profession­al lifetime,” says Professor Patricia Price, academic clinical oncologist at Imperial College London. “The early days of the pandemic were particular­ly difficult for cancer. Cancer physicians, surgeons and support staff were often moved from their highly specialist roles into backup positions in emergency and respirator­y care.

“I understand why those decisions were made because no one really knew what was coming and how the virus would behave. But everyone understand­s that the earlier cancer is diagnosed and treated the better the outcomes, so once the situation became clearer, the mistake was not to prioritise cancer services along with the Covid-19 response. It is the failure to act with sufficient speed and urgency that has put us in such a dark place.

“The situation was then compounded by the Government telling people to stay at home, and that we must all work to reduce the burden on the NHS – all messages which are the antithesis of good cancer practice, where early diagnosis is key to good outcomes.”

Sharon Wilson, 50, from Newcastle, was one of those who followed the rules, with dreadful consequenc­es. The gym administra­tor had been troubled by a new and ongoing cough since early January. A course of antibiotic­s failed to clear it and her GP was about to refer her for further investigat­ion when Covid-19 struck.

“I was absolutely terrified at the prospect of catching Covid-19 and dying,” says the mother of three. “I am an anxious person anyway and all the messages about staying home, the risk of millions of people dying really scared me. Suddenly my cough didn’t seem to be so important.”

It wasn’t until four weeks into the lockdown, when Sharon coughed up blood, that she opted to visit her GP, who immediatel­y referred her to hospital. She is currently receiving treatment for stage four lung cancer. Although heroic efforts are being made to clear the cancer backlog, Macmillan is concerned that the enormity of the task means that, without a huge concentrat­ion of resources, it could be several years before waiting lists and referral times are near to pre-pandemic levels. There is also concern over recent government claims that the two-week waiting targets are now being met.

“There are fewer patients being diagnosed due to lack of screening and routine appointmen­ts, so the treatment services currently can cope,” explains Professor Price.

“However, once the backlog starts coming through in the months and years to come, it will be a very different story. The Government and NHS England need to calculate the true backlog, rapidly get a plan for recovery based on accurate data and come up with a radical approach that boosts capacity, invests in smart technology solutions and takes a radical approach to sweeping away the bureaucrac­y that has held services back for so long.”

Dominique, who has finished her chemothera­py and will now have regular tests to check the treatment has been successful, is haunted by reports that the second wave is again affecting cancer treatment.

“I can’t believe this is still happening. The Government needs to get a grip on this. Covid-19 doesn’t stop people dying from cancer.”

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 ??  ?? ‘Who knows what might have been?’ Dominique Lucas, above, and Natasha Marisa, left, fell through the Covid gap
‘Who knows what might have been?’ Dominique Lucas, above, and Natasha Marisa, left, fell through the Covid gap
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