The Daily Telegraph

Law could stop Welsh house names changing to English

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

WELSH house names could receive protection­s to stop them being changed to English under new legislatio­n, Welsh government politician­s have suggested.

Eluned Morgan, Welsh language minister, told members of the parliament she had a “great deal of sympathy” with those who believed homeowners should be banned from the practice. She was responding for the government after more than 18,000 people signed a petition calling for a law.

“I think naming a house against the will of the local populace can feel like cutting that tie between ourselves and our community,” she said. “Can we legislate and tighten the guidance that is in place? I must admit to having a great deal of sympathy with that view.”

The petition states that “little by lit- tle, the country is losing its heritage” and “this must be stopped for the sake of future generation­s”. Janet Finchsaund­ers, chairman of the petitions committee, acknowledg­ed that there was not enough time before the dissolutio­n to enact legislatio­n. “This petition itself is very specific, directly concerning only individual house names,” she said. “However, it is part of a wider issue, including the names of settlement­s and other larger places, natural features, farms and large buildings down to individual properties.”

It came after a call for the name of an English nobleman to be removed from housing in Caerphilly, South Wales. Redrow Homes said the estate will be named after Gilbert de Clare, who built a castle in the town to control the Welsh.

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