The Daily Telegraph

A president who must rise to the challenge


Joe Biden, now the 46th President of the United States, was expected to frame his inaugurati­on speech as an attempt to begin closing the divisions so vividly exposed in America in recent weeks. But that did not make his message of restorativ­e calm, on the very site where rioters stormed the seat of US democracy only days ago, any less vital. He spoke of unity, renewal, and repair. Of reaching out and starting afresh.

It will not be easy. It is still startling to hear a US president have to remind his audience that America is a “great nation” and that Americans are “good people”. Biden’s tone – by turns cajoling, defiant, reassuring, pleading – was paternal and, when the light caught his thin hair and he stumbled over his text, grandfathe­rly. At 78 he is the oldest president to take the oath of office.

In that there lies another challenge for him in his self-proclaimed task of healing. To those who fervently supported his predecesso­r he represents everything they loathe – a career politician mouthing what they view as right-on platitudes and steeped in the Washington “swamp”. Yet such experience could serve him well, if he can deploy his famed ability to cross partisan divides and ease the passage of legislatio­n. For it may be that the path to restorativ­e calm is found as much through bland, managerial competence as fine words.

Indeed it will be policies, not rhetoric or Tweets, that should define the success or failure of Mr Biden’s mission of unity and reconcilia­tion.

During the campaign those policies slipped from view, as he defined himself against Donald Trump. Melting into the background, he allowed Mr Trump to drive both sides – rallying Republican support but also sending Democrats to the polling stations in unpreceden­ted numbers. That antitrump pose will suffice no longer. Yet for all the seriousnes­s of the policies that Mr Biden prizes like climate change, they remain issues that fewer than 10 per cent of Americans regard as of prime importance. Far more important, to unite Americans, are jobs and healthcare – the latter exacerbate­d by Covid, but long predating it.

So the finest passage of Mr Biden’s speech, the most relevant to his effort to patch up the fabric of his nation, and the most likely to succeed, came when he talked of his father, and of the economic struggles of the hard-pressed. “I understand they worry about their jobs. I understand, like my dad, they lay in bed at night staring at the ceiling thinking: ‘Can I keep my healthcare? Can I pay my mortgage?’ Thinking about their families, about what comes next. I promise you, I get it.”

If he truly does, and succeeds in his promise to “rebuild work … rebuild the middle class and make work secure”, he has every chance of delivering the unity he craves. If, however, he is captured by the Left fringe of his own party and makes emblems of causes that ring hollow to all but a few, there is every chance he will only deepen the divides that tear at the pages of what he described as “an American story of hope”.

In “that uniquely American way, restless, bold, optimistic” there are signs of such hope. From the Covid-created ashes of the old, new firms are being formed at a record rate. Some experts predict that if America can put the pandemic behind it, its economy will be “on fire”. The extent to which it roars away will in part be dependent on Mr Biden’s immense $1.9 trillion (£1.4 trillion) recovery plan, which has an uncertain path through Congress. Other Biden priorities – on Covid masks and the climate – face no such obstacles, being rushed through on day one by executive order.

Indeed, the dynamic agenda of his first 100 days is designed to project energy, as is the speed of appointmen­ts to critical positions. His promise to “repair our alliances, and engage with the world once again” will be on best display this year in Britain: first at the G7 in Cornwall in June, then at November’s Climate Conference in Glasgow.

No doubt the emollient tone of his speech will be echoed then. But for all that yesterday represente­d a new beginning, it is impossible to ignore that Mr Biden is part of an old guard that elsewhere is stepping back. Europe will soon be without the steadying influence of Angela Merkel.

The West itself is now in the midst of a transition. Given the US’S vital importance, much of the world will be wishing Mr Biden the greatest of fortune in steering through it.

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