The Daily Telegraph

Bridge news


Sixty pairs competed using Realbridge in this year’s National Pairs Final, writes Julian Pottage, Bridge Correspond­ent, and the winners are as follows:

1st Shahzaad Natt and Ian Pagan, 56.17%; 2nd Roger Eddleston and Rob Stevens, 55.92%; 3rd Michael Jackson and John Hayton, 55.63%; 4th David Jones and Miles Cowling, 55.21%; 5th Patrick Lawrence and David Barker, 55.10%; 6th Dean Swallow and Carlos Dabezies, 54.88%; 7th Brian Senior and Clive Owen, 54.38%; 8th Tony Sowter and Dave Robinson, 54.13%; 9th Liam Sanderson and Ali Ahmed, 53.88%; and 10th Andrew Smith and Cathy Smith, 53.75%.

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