The Daily Telegraph

Cummings’s new anti-boris alliance

The former aide is deeply dangerous for No10 – and not only because of his stash of emails and quotes


It’s amazing how many Westminste­r figures, who have been quiet for ages, are now popping up to offer commentary on the current political drama. Some might have given the impression, over the years, that Dominic Cummings was wicked and untrustwor­thy. But now, it seems, they see a man of principle and courage who cannot tell a lie. His disclosure­s about the Prime Minister, says Dominic Grieve, expose a “vacuum of integrity” in No10.

We see Bob Kerslake, a former head of the Home Civil Service and Corbyn adviser, putting all this in historical perspectiv­e. The wallpaper row, he declares, is more serious than the 2009 MPS’ expenses scandal because it “goes to the centre of government”. Gus O’donnell, another former civil service chief, seeks to explain the broader severity of the charge: it’s about basic probity and trust. Prime ministers have to set an example, he says, and should abide by the rules.

To those who always thought the Boris project defied gravity, this is an important and cathartic moment. Brexiteers are, at long last, at war with each other. Too late to destroy the mission, perhaps, but we may be about to see its architects tear themselves to pieces. Perhaps more importantl­y, the various enemies of the Prime Minister now have Britain’s most effective campaigner on their side. With more purpose, direction and ammunition than any of them could have mustered.

Keir Starmer now looks like a man rejuvenate­d. He finally has something to say in Prime Minister’s Questions: who paid for the wallpaper, initially? Might Parliament have been misled? He even managed a photo-op in John Lewis, as if claiming credit for the whole strategy. Without Cummings the redecorati­on secrets might never have become public. Starmer would have carried on being more of a caddy than a critic, doing the heavy lifting when Johnson needed votes to push through lockdown measures. Now, finally, he can go on the attack.

Cummings is dangerous for No10, not just because of his store of emails and quotes, including remarks Johnson made to him in private, which he’s now willing to disclose. Some in No10 talk about him as an isolated loner, but he has allies, versed in his art of war, some of whom talk about a “grid” of activity in what seems like a semi-formal campaign aimed at the removal of the Prime Minister. They don’t need to make alliances with anyone else: once a “Dom bomb” is detonated, a flank is opened through which others can leap.

And not just opposition parties. The Prime Minister has other ill-wishers in government who have worked out that now is the perfect time to release informatio­n to embarrass him. No one will order a leak inquiry. Everyone will immediatel­y suspect it is Cummings. This all suits the architects of the grid perfectly.

Take perhaps the most quotable fact in the recent volley of disclosure­s: that the Prime Minister said he’d rather see “bodies piled high” than impose a third lockdown. He denies he said this. But there are acting civil servants – with no links to Cummings – who have been willing to back it up. This perhaps explains the confidence with which the story is being reported now. These people are not part of a conspiracy. They’re just willing to talk.

All of this ought to worry the Prime Minister. He was told, at the time, that Cummings and his Vote Leave team were a cancer which, if cut out, would allow the Government to repair. But the situation is more complex – and perhaps graver. It suits Cummings to be seen as a career psychopath, as David Cameron called him. But in real life he’s quiet, thoughtful and capable of inspiring huge loyalty in those he hired, promoted or worked with. Many of his protégés, and others still in government, are dismayed by his departure and remain sympatheti­c to his cause.

Another problem is the lack of devoted Boris loyalists: either in No10 or the Tory party more generally. A good many MPS still regard him as a bungling narcissist who allowed Cummings to outwit him over lockdown. He was elected Tory leader not out of any great love from the Commons tea rooms (which he’s now doing his best to visit) but because he’s a winner. Tories like power and tend to follow anyone who can deliver it. This is why next week’s local elections will be a big test.

On the campaign trail, Johnson has shown no signs of losing his appeal. Aides say it’s still a problem keeping crowds away because they want their photo with him. They don’t kick him out of pubs (although they have been careful not to take him to Scotland). Tory activists are quite confident about the north of England, thinking the Boris factor gives them the image of an insurgent party – especially in places that have been Labour for decades. All this matters because, without the newly gained north of England, the Tories would never have won a majority,

Ever since that last general election victory, a question has haunted the party: what went right? Was it Brexit – and, if so, what happens once Brexit is over? If it was revulsion with Jeremy Corbyn – and if so, what happens under Starmer? Next week’s English council and mayoral elections, plus the Hartlepool by-election, will be a litmus test of his political power.

Predicting these elections is a mug’s game. Four years ago, Theresa May did astonishin­gly well, only to lose her majority in the general election a few weeks later. But on the doorstep, Tory activists still say the words “Boris Johnson” remains their biggest weapon (with “second jab” not far behind). No one, they say, is asking about who paid for the No10 wallpaper. This might be wishful thinking: Labour activists say they hear great many voters talk about sleaze.

In the run-up to the last general election, Cummings was scathing about stories of political scandal. Westminste­r, he says, gets itself worked up about stories that no one else cares about: the gossip never “cuts through”. But will this be true of his own set of revelation­s? If Johnson keeps his magic in the north – or comes close to winning Hartlepool

– he will be protected. But if he falters, there will be a formidable alliance of enemies waiting to pounce.

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