The Daily Telegraph

Let those who have been vaccinated resume normal human greetings

- Auckland, New Zealand

SIR – Now that Professor Jonathan Van-tam, the deputy chief medical officer, has said that it is “incredibly safe” for people who have been fully vaccinated to meet up (report, April 29), the Government should allow us to embrace those we’ve missed for so long.

This will not lead to a pile of dead bodies, so let’s get on with it – now.

Dr Richard Soper

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

SIR – Our well-being has been severely affected by the Covid crisis.

If we continue to delay our return to normal life, the danger is that the economy will be destroyed in the process. Many livelihood­s have already been ruined.

It is time for us to live with the virus, and for those who deem it necessary to protect themselves to do so.

Tom Berglund

London W8

SIR – In the Downing Street briefing on Wednesday, Professor Van-tam referred to the Covid peak in January as the “third wave”. Later in the briefing we were told we must avoid a third wave later this year.

I’m confused – as, it appears, is the Government.

Barrie Bain

Wadhurst, East Sussex

SIR – It is quite likely that, once all those who rush off abroad this summer return from their holidays, we shall experience yet another peak of Covid cases, which will then run into the winter. This will be exacerbate­d by the fact that many young people will be travelling unvaccinat­ed.

We all need to continue to exercise much caution when mixing with others, and get used to the fact that, rather than returning to pre-covid life, we are going to see a new normal in which we have to live with the virus. Bob Kingsland

Stroud, Gloucester­shire

SIR – As an older person who has abided by all the rules for the past year and is fully vaccinated, am I now going to be prevented from going abroad because I do not have a smartphone, and therefore cannot use the NHS app?

Dr Robert M Richards Cheltenham, Gloucester­shire

SIR – Zoe Strimpel (Comment, April 25), discussing the travel restrictio­ns in Australia and New Zealand, describes the citizens of these countries as being imprisoned and living a miserable existence.

As a New Zealander living in Auckland, I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. I can drink in a crowded pub with my friends without fear; I can shop at a crowded shopping mall without wearing a mask; and I could have watched the recent internatio­nal cricket in a packed stadium.

Life here feels as normal as it did before Covid. The economy for the most part is booming.

Gerald Rodden

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