The Daily Telegraph

Tonight’s recipe


Warm potato salad with pickled fennel and chorizo


1kg new potatoes

2 large fennel bulbs

4 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp fennel seeds

2 tbsp white wine vinegar 3 chunky chorizo cooking sausages

2 lemons, juiced

2 tsp honey

A large bunch of parsley, roughly torn

1 large red pepper from a jar of chargrille­d peppers, sliced into ribbons

A couple of tablespoon­s of ricotta


Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6.

Put the new potatoes in a roasting pan. Snip the fronds off the fennel and set aside. Then cut one and a half fennel bulbs into wedges and add them to the pan, reserving the final half. Drizzle a tablespoon of oil and scatter over the fennel seeds and plenty of salt. Roast in the oven for about 50 minutes, or until soft and golden.

Meanwhile, use a mandoline or a very sharp knife to thinly slice the remaining fennel. Put it in a small bowl with half the vinegar. Toss and leave it to sit, covered.

Set a large frying pan over a medium heat. Slice the sausages on an angle, about a centimetre thick, and fry the pieces until cooked through with gnarly edges.

Whisk the lemon juice with the remaining oil and vinegar, the honey, a good pinch of salt and a little black pepper. Finely chop the fennel fronds and add them to the dressing, too.

When you’re ready to serve, lay the parsley on a big plate, top with the potatoes and fennel, the chorizo and red peppers. Finish with mounds of pickled fennel, ricotta and a good drizzle of dressing (have more on the side for people to add extra).

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