The Daily Telegraph

Where the teaching unions stand


NEU Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney are joint general secretarie­s of the NEU – the largest teacher union in the country. In January, Dr Bousted said staff and pupils should wear masks indoors “at all times”. She also said in August that head teachers “are not public health experts” and should not have to enforce mask-wearing themselves. Mr Courtney, an ex-physics teacher, said in March face coverings should remain in secondary schools “until the science says that it’s safe to remove them”.


Dr Patrick Roach, the general secretary, has supported the wearing of face masks in the classroom since summer 2020, when he argued that mandatory face masks in certain public facilities for children aged over 11 meant they should also wear them at school. Dr Roach has been calling for the introducti­on of compulsory face coverings in schools since September 2020.


Christina Mcanea, the new general secretary, also signed the letter to Gavin Williamson on face masks. She has said that “toughening safety measures” is the best way to keep staff and pupils safe.


Len Mccluskey is the general secretary of Unite which represents large numbers of support staff and teaching assistants. The union was a cosignator­y of letter to the Government urging face mask use until June 21.


Warren Kenny is the acting general secretary of GMB, which also counts support staff and teaching assistants among its members. The union has also urged ministers not to drop the requiremen­t for face masks in the classroom on May 17.

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