The Daily Telegraph

School rules Covid regulation­s in the classroom


Lateral flow testing

When schools reopened on March 8, secondary pupils were requested to take three lateral flow tests at school during the first fortnight. Since then, pupils and teachers have been asked to take two lateral flow tests at home per week during term time. Testing is voluntary, though schools are expected to encourage pupils and staff to take part in the programme.

Any positive tests should be followed up by a confirmato­ry PCR test and if that is positive, they should self-isolate for 10 days. Schools are also asked to keep a small testing facility on-site for pupils who are unable to carry out the tests at home.


Schools have been advised to adopt “bubbles” to separate pupils by year groups or classes to limit interactio­n. Teachers are permitted to teach only in certain areas of school buildings to comply with bubble regulation­s. If someone within a bubble needs to self-isolate due to a positive test result or contact with someone who has tested positive, only those within that bubble need do the same.

Staggered starts

The start and finish times of the school day should be staggered so different year groups or bubbles can enter and leave without coming into contact with other pupils or staff members. Lunch and break times should also be staggered to ensure pupils mix only with others from within their bubble.

Washing hands

Teachers must regularly clean their hands and encourage others to do the same. Schools must maintain enhanced cleaning and social-distancing regimes where possible, and keep areas well ventilated.

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